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The sad first month of the Islamic calendar during which the family of the Holy Prophet were faced with a great ordeal and tragedy.


Our salutations and condolence to our 12th Imam, Imam Muhammed Mahdi (ATFS) on the great Tragedy of Karbala and the the unjust massacre of his holy Grandfather, Aba Abdillahil Husayn (a.s), his family, friends and companions.

We thank the Almighty, to have given us yet another chance to renew our faith, and remind ourselves of the duties of Muslims to enjoin good and forbid evil, as Imam Husayn (a.s) fought to save these very foundations of Islam.

Mashallah and Alhmadulilah, we are getting lots of opportunities to attend several majalises a day and we are learning so much from our visiting scholars!

Just a thought to share atleast one or a couple of lessons that we learn each day from the various majalises that we hear/attend. We all have different ways of interpreting and analyzing what we have heard, so perhaps the one thing that we all may have heard, can be analyzed constructively to hear everyone's views on the topics currently being discussed in our majalises this Mahe Muharram.

And Inshallah we can even continue the same after the mahe aza when we attend various occasions' majalises.
In the name of the Most Beloved One - Ya Habib al-Quloob.

This is a good way of sharing our intellect and how we should implement it in our life.

The night lectures in Masjid have been very useful for myself [and I'm sure many are enjoying them, insha'Allah] because the discussion on the holy Qur'an, with how he represents it, is a reminder for me of the Qur'anic Sciences lessons we had in the Hawza in Qom al-Muqaddasah.

No doubt, the lectures on Qur'anic knowledge is Hawzawi and it should be taught at an institute rather than speaking it on the pulpit but the preparation and presentation is quiet interesting and benefiting.

As for myself and many others, this is a practical lesson for us to work more on the holy Book and study the kalaamullah. And true as it is known, the Book will not separate from the Ahl al-Bayt ['a.s] until to the point of Kawthar.

Jazaakallahu Kheyr.

Two lessons that I learnt from the majalises of our two respected guests are as follows:

1. English Lecture of eve 2
The connection between Sura AlFatiha and Sura AlAlaq
To listen or download the lecture go to http://www.ask.or.tz/viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2880&start=0

2. Gujrati lecture of 6 eve
The prophetic tradition that kissing the feet of your mother is like kissing the door of the holy Kaaba as well as so many other narrations of the amazing results of pleasure of ones parents including the ability to listen to the response of salaam from Imam Husayn and the ability to become a great Mujtahid and forgiveness of all sins imaginable.
To listen or download the lecture go to http://www.ask.or.tz/viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2880&start=0

I learnt an interesting thing from Shk Alidina`s lecture from 2 nights ago, he said soemthing along the lines of, and i am not quoting, any mistakes are mine entirely, that If there is a wrong being done in the community, then at the very least we should have a feeling in our hearts of anger and displeasure at the performance of the deed.

He gave a tradition which goes- Once Jibraeel (as) was told to go punish a people. On coming down, he saw among the people to be punished a pious man, he immediately went back and asked God, is the pious man to be included in the punishment? God replied that,yes even he is to be punished. On asking why, the reply was even though he did not have the power to reform nor admonish he did not even have dispproval in his heart for the wrong that was being done, and so he was punished as well.
In the name of the Almighty!

Salaamun 'aleykum.

Ahsantum Mazhar. Amr bil Ma'roof wa Nahy 'an al-Munkar is extremely important and one should spend some time in studying this as it has many rules before one starts to practice it.

one of the ladies majlis, the zakira stated something I found very profound. Those women/girls who do not observe hijab or do the modern barely-there hijab, would not be able to cry and feel on the snatching of Bibi Zainab (as)'s chadar in shame ghariba. Because only those who have value for something would realize the value of losing that thing.

Perhaps that is why there is no or little effect on our community despite constant and repeated reminders and and admonishment regarding hijab, but it's falling on deaf ears...
I learnt many things that I had never thought about during these 12 days. And therefore my duas and (jazakallah) to the visiting reciters for their sharing of knowledge with us.

One thing that I learned was how best to respond to the innocent question:
How come Imam Hassan (as) did a peace treaty and Imam Hussain (as) did jihad?
The historical fact was that Imam Hassan(as) acted on the peace treaty for 10 years (40AH to 50AH). Imam Hussain(as) on the other hand acted on the same peace treaty for 20 years! (40AH to 60AH)
Sa. The point re peace treaty was one that i appreciated much as well. In summary we should appreciate through these majaalis the three main aspects of religion : Belief, Practice and Ethics (Aqeeda, Ahkaam, Akhlaq). Most often we forget to integrate these appropraitely which then leaves us confused...
Muntazir Manji wrote:Sa. The point re peace treaty was one that i appreciated much as well. In summary we should appreciate through these majaalis the three main aspects of religion : Belief, Practice and Ethics (Aqeeda, Ahkaam, Akhlaq). Most often we forget to integrate these appropraitely which then leaves us confused...
could you give an example of how these three can be integrated?
hasin wrote:I learnt many things that I had never thought about during these 12 days. And therefore my duas and (jazakallah) to the visiting reciters for their sharing of knowledge with us.

One thing that I learned was how best to respond to the innocent question:
How come Imam Hassan (as) did a peace treaty and Imam Hussain (as) did jihad?
The historical fact was that Imam Hassan(as) acted on the peace treaty for 10 years (40AH to 50AH). Imam Hussain(as) on the other hand acted on the same peace treaty for 20 years! (40AH to 60AH)
Same here! Alhamdulilah. Its just that we are so weak in our own religions historical background that we fail to analyse and realise things. Alhamdulilah another blessing of azadari!

Another thing i learnt is the potential of the youth in his youth. And especially the value of his jihad of nafs in the eyes of Allah (swt). Such that Hz. Abbas (a.s) gets a title of Babul Hawaij; because his jihad was such, that although he trained his entire life to fight for Imam Husayn (a.s); infact his very birth was for that purpose; but when the time comes and he is told NOT to fight, he willingly submits to the decision of his Imam (a.s).

What are we as youths doing for Allah (swt), for our nafs, for our parents, family and society?

Apart from other things I learnt from zakira Syeda Rubab Zaidi of lucknow,the one thing that I want to mention seperately is her topic on Hijab.

She pinpointed some of our biggest mistakes in doing Hijab the right way which majority of us women tend to overlook e.g leaving the face open while wearing make up and nose rings,wearing of an attractive covering [hijab] which instead of serving its purpose of covering our zeenat is itself a zeenat and attracts attention.{This is so common nowadays that one can rarely find someone wearing simple hijab as per shariat.

She also talked about how the head covering should be let down so as to cover the whole front part above the waist which is clearly mentioned in The Holy Quran and we see the opposite of this i.e the tying of head covering behind the neck which was the custom of the age of jahilliya and exposing the part that should be covered. She also said that some women wear loose clothes and say that is their Hijab while The Holy Quran clearly mentions a seperate Covering to be worn.

She also talked about covering the feet which is wajib but one tends to overlook it.Making fun of hijab by wearing body suits and tight [body fitting] covering and calling them as Hijab.

In short, she talked about all the mistakes that we commit in the name of Hijab.

A POINT TO PONDER: How come that when we oppose the commandments of our Lord we do it so confidently that neither do we feel ashamed nor afraid but when we try to follow what Islam says then we worry about what people will say,what they will think and hundreds of other reasons ??? ISNT it like we worship people and are trying to please them instead of worshipping and Pleasing ONE AND THE ONLY Almighty God ???
Another point regarding hijab that she mentioned. She said that the Imam of our time while crying, has said
The shi'a women who do not observe proper hijab have broken my back
and she compared it to two other masumeen who said their backs had been broken.
1. Bibi Fatimah (as), whose ribs were crushed when the cursed people broke down her door after the death of her Holy father (saww)
2. Imam Husayn (as), when Hazrat Abbas (as) was martyred.

A reminder: Hijab is not only about the dressing, but extends to our behaviour and interactions with na-mahrams as well. God save us all from hurting the Imam.
We've made a mockery of the hijab we observe by wearing the flashing chadar designs. Its like theres a conscious competition on who will wear the newest most unique chadar design of all! You would think that in the months of mourning we would cut down and be simpler, but the mosque still glitters from the chadars that the ladies sit in (showing off?!)
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