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The sad first month of the Islamic calendar during which the family of the Holy Prophet were faced with a great ordeal and tragedy.
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By abuali

The above topic is mostly brought up during the zikr of gham of Ashur and when Hazrat Qassim (as) shahadat is eulogized.

Recently I came across an interesting question answered by Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [Your Questions Answered - Volume IV] on the matter:
Q25. We were able to know from your article in the light that Fatimah
Kubra was the daughter of Umm-e-Is-haq (Father: Imam Husain) The
marriage of Fatimah Kubra and Hasan Muthana(son of Imam Hassan) was
done as per your article. But it is a famous “Riwayat”that Fatima Kubra was
married to Janab Qasim s/o Imam Hassan.
We want to know the fact of Islamic History regarding this matter

A. What was written in the Light is an historical fact. The myth of marriage of Hazrat Qasim
on Ashura day was started by one Hussain Waez Kashefi a scholar of 9th century of Hijra,
more than 800 years after the Karbala events. He wrote in his book of Majlis, "Rawdatush-
Shuhada" that the Imam (a.s.) married Qasim with one of his daughters. You will note that
he did not write the name of the supposed daughter. Then this myth spread, and every
generation added some more details in it, till gradually Zakirs who were ignorant of history
attributed this story to Fatimah Kubra, not realizing that she had already been married, and
that by mentioning her sacred name in that connection they were insulting her in the worst
possible way. May Allah forgive us and them all. Amen

Then came the poets who used the word "the bride of one night" meaning Fatimah Kubra.
If the marriage was performed on Ashura day as written in "Rawdatush-Shuhada," then
from where comes the "night"? Some story-tellers built another story on that “foundation”
and said that Fatimah Kubra became pregnant and later gave birth to a son who was,
called Qasim, the second.

So, you see, how one small invented story grew and grew and grew till now people are
surprised when they are told the truth. I should end this letter with the remarks of the
famous Muhaddith Shaikh 'Abbas Qummi in the first volume of his famous book

"It should be known that the story of the marriage of Hadrat Qasim in Karbala and his
marrying Fatimah the daughter of Imam Husain is not true because it had not been seen in
reliable books. Moreover, Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s) had two daughters, as has been
mentioned in reliable books. One Sakinah, about whom Sheikh Tabrasi said that Imam
Hussain had given her in marriage to ‘Abdullah (s/o Imam Hassan (a.s)) and ‘Abdullah was
martyred in Karbala before Hazrat Sakina could be sent to his house; Second Fatimah
who was the wife of Hassan Muthana who was present in Karbala, as we mentioned in the
history of Imam Hassan (a.s)

"And if, relying on unreliable Rewayat, it is said that Imam Husain (a.s.) had another
daughter named Fatimah, we have to point out that she was Fatimah Sughra and at that
time she was in Madina and, as the story is told, she could not have been given in
marriage (in Karbala on 'Ashura day) to Hadrat Qasim bin Hasan (a.s.).

"And the honoured Shaikh (Muhaddith, the expert in matters of Hadith and Riwayat,
Thiqatul-lslam) Aqa-e-Hajj Mirza Husain Nuri (May Allah fill his grave with Light) has said in
his book, "Lulu wa Marjan": "According to all reliable old books, written on the subjects of
Hadith, Geneology of Ahlul-Bait, and biographies, it is impossible to find (that there was in
Karbala) an unmarried (but of marriageable age) daughter of Hadrat Seyyid ush-shohada;
(if such a daughter could be found) only then such an event could have been possible.

This is quite apart from other considerations concerning authenticity or falsity of this story.
As regards the stories of Zubaida and Shahr Bano and Qasim the second, in the area of
Ray and its neighbourhood, which have become current with the masses, they are such
frivolous imaginations that they should be written on the back of Dastan-e-Amir Hamza
and other such novels, and there are many proofs of its falsity.
I hope this thread can be a productive one on the discussion of the above event historically.


In the name of ‘Allah - the Keeper of all hidden truth.

On the 7th Muharram, 1389 Hijri, Ayatullah Shaheed Murtadha Mutahhari, gave a speech about fabrications and lies in the month of Muharram that are told by scholars in their gatherings.

He said: "What we need to weep for is not the wounds of Imam Hussein [‘a.s]. But rather what is tearful and painful is the fact that many fabricated stories are being told in gatherings that are humiliating to the Ahl al-Bayt [‘a.s], particularly the heroes of Kerbala”.

He further stressed: "The higher ranking ‘Ulamaa of India became worried about fabricated stories told in Muharram gatherings. Some of the stories were so humiliating that the Shi’ah ‘Ulamaa of India needed a fatwa from Qum or Najaf. They wrote a letter to high ranking scholars in Iran, complaining about fabricated practices of ‘Ashoora. Poor them! They do not know that it's not India that is the source of fabricated nonsense. The source of all the lies against ‘Ashoora is from Kerbala, Najaf and Qum; the very hearts of Shi'as and scholars in those areas fabricate stories for their own worldly gains”.



In the middle of battle of ‘Ashoora, Imam Hussein [‘a.s] decides to wed Qaasim [‘a.s] to one of his daughters. When asked why, Imam [‘a.s] said: "I want to see Qaasim married before I die" … "It is my dream to see him as a groom".

Ayatullah Mutahhari's analysis:

Qaasim, at that time was a 13 year old boy and had not even reached the age of marriage. Now, let's look at the situation of the battle. Imam Hussein's [‘a.s] people were under so much pressure that they did not even have a peaceful chance to pray. When they held prayers, two of his guards were martyred and they had to pray fast. Now, under these circumstances, an IMAM would say "it's my dream that I see my daughter's wedding?" Isn't this obnoxious?! There was no chance to pray, now he wants to set up a wedding?! No reliable book has a record of Qaasim's wedding. The first person who wrote this story was "Mulla Kaashefi in Rawzatul Shuhadaa", and it's a confirmed lie.

Ayatullah Mutahhari then explains the real story of Qaasim and how the 13 year old boy was martyred. He also clarifies that Qaasim was not stampede by enemy horses, it was one of the enemies who got killed under the feet of horses, and before the enemies got a chance to behead Qaasim, Imam Hussein [‘a.s] rescued him. But eventually, Qaasim died on the scene from his wounds. Ayatullah Mutahhari also points to the moral of the incident, to the courage of the young boy and the whole ideology of ‘Ashoora which was martyrdom, not weddings.


Imam Hussein [‘a.s] managed to kill 300,000 troops of Yazid Ibn Mu’awiyah [la’n.].

Ayatullah Mutahhari’s analysis:

The bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima didn't even kill 60,000 people! I calculated that if Imam [‘a.s] were to kill a person per second, it would take him 83 hours to kill 300,000. It would take him tens of hours to kill 60,000 people. That’s if he were killing person per second. Obviously this story is a complete lie. ‘Ashoora is not about how many enemies he killed, but it is about his manner in resisting evil.


The army of Yazid Ibn Mu’awiyah was 500,000 if not one million. Ayatullah Mutahhari’s analysis:

Where did all these people come from?! It had to be Kufa and neighboring cities. Needless to say the population of that area had not reached that level at that time of history. These high numbers are obvious fabrications.

Imam ‘Ali [‘a.s] was giving Khutbah. During his khutbah, Imam Hussein [‘a.s] got thirsty and asked for water. Imam ‘Ali [‘a.s] said: "Is there anyone who would give water to my son?" A young child got up and volunteered, who happened to be ‘Abbas [‘a.s], Imam Hussein's step-brother.

The child grabbed a cup of water and before giving it to Imam Hussein [‘a.s], he fell and the water was spilled. At this moment Imam ‘Ali [‘a.s] wept and pointed to the tragedy of Kerbala.

Ayatullah Mutahhari’s analysis:

The only time when Imam ‘Ali [‘a.s] gave khutbah was during his caliphate. That means Imam Hussein [‘a.s] was in his 30's. If a normal person in his 30's asks his father for water in the middle of his speech, we would say "what a bad mannered person he is!"

A grown-up man would shout in the middle of his father's speech [not any speech but speech like Imam ‘Ali's [‘a.s] speech] and say: "Father! I'm thirsty!" Wouldn't you tell that man: "Sir! Be patient, let your father finish the sermon and then get water for yourself". In your opinion would this story make Imam Hussein [‘a.s] look good or make him humiliated, looking like an ill mannered person? Moreover, Hadhrat ‘Abbas was not a young child at that time, he was in his teens. This story is damaging the manners of Islam, and is an insult to the Ahl al-Bayt [‘a.s].


‘Ali Akbar [‘a.s] went to his mother Laylah, and asked her to pray for his safety before going to the battle. She then made an intention that if her son comes back safely, she would plant mint from Kerbala to Madinah!

Ayatullah Mutahhari’s analysis:

First of all, Laylah was not present in Kerbala. Second, while martyrdom is their goal, ‘Ali Akbar would ask for safety?! I then did a research on the "mint" story and found out that the story was taken from the famous love story of ‘Layli and Majnoon’. In that story, Majnoon says that if his beloved marries him, he will plant mint between two cities!

When non-Shi’as and non-Muslims hear these stories, they would for sure say, "What kind of idiots are these people!"


Popular question: Why keep Imam Hussein's [‘a.s] name alive all the time?

Fabricated answer: “To calm the heart of Lady Faatimah Zahra [‘a.s] and give condolences”.

Ayatullah Mutahhari’s analysis:

Isn't this absurd? As if Lady Faatimah Zahra [‘a.s] is a child that her soul would weep for 1,400 years. In fact, Lady Faatimah Zahra [‘a.s] and Imam Hussein [‘a.s] could not be happier, because they are next to each other in Heaven.

Correct answer: Hussein [‘a.s] is the practical solution to resisting evil. It is the message of Hussein [‘a.s] that needs to be kept alive. "Living with oppressors is tiring for me" says Imam [‘a.s], I would rather choose martyrdom over life with abasement", said Imam Hussein [‘a.s]. These are the messages that need to be kept alive. His manners, his spirits and his mission need to be revived. Lady Faatimah Zahra [‘a.s] does not need our condolences and assurance.

Another lie mentioned in his speech which is not related to ‘Ashoora: Imam ‘Ali [‘a.s] faced Marhab, the leader of Khaybar. Imam ‘Ali [‘a.s] cut him in half and he was so quick with his strike that Marhab laughed and said: "You missed!" Imam ‘Ali [‘a.s] said: "Why don't you shake yourself?" Marhab moved and fell apart, in two pieces!

Ayatullah Mutahhari’s tone of speech was such that this story is so ludicrous that does not need any explanation. [Audience laughed].
The eve of 7th Muharaam is the day when the forces of Yazid denied water supply to the camps of Imam Hussein a.s.
They thought that by doing so they will make the Imam to surrender and obey Yazid but the Imam and his family and thirsty companions and children stood firm against Yazid.

Tonight we remember al-Qasim ibn al-Hassan a.s., the son of the 2nd Imam al-Hassan ibn Ali a.s. and the nephew of Imam Hussein a.s.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4052/425 ... db9efe.jpg

“My son Qasim! A day will approach when my brother Hussein will be facing an enemy army of tens of thousands. That will be the day when Islam will need to be saved by sacrifice. You must represent me on that day.”

These were the words of the grandson of holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, elder Chief of the Youths of Paradise Hazrat Imam Hassan bin Ali Al-Mujtaba a.s. written in a letter, which he had given to his wife Umm-e-Farwa before his martyrdom saying “If ever you find Qasim in difficulty, give him this letter.”

Hazrat Umm-e-Farwa a.s. gave Hazrat Qasim the letter in the burning plain of Karbala on Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram-ul-Haram, in 60 AH, at a time when she saw her son disappointed as Imam Hussein (a.s.) twice refused to give him permission to go and fight in the battle of Karbala, saying “Qasim you are young and your mother's only son.”

al-Qasim a.s. while reading the words of his father Hazrat Imam Hassan (a.s.), the elder grandson of Chief of Prophets Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (s.w.), smiled. He rushed to Imam Hussein (a.s.) and gave him the letter. After going through the letter Imam Hussein (a.s.) said, “O my brother's son, how can I stop you from doing what your father wanted you to do?! Bismillah, go. Allah be with you”.

Hazrat Qasim ibn-e-Hassan (a.s.) was born on 7th of the holy month of Shaban Al-Moazzam, 47 AH, three years before his father was martyred. He was taken into care by Imam Hussein. Imam Hussein and Hazrat Abbas a.s. trained al-Qasim from this tender age and transformed him into a brave and courageous fighter during a short period. Standard-bearer of Husseini Army Hazrat Abbas specially devoted time in teaching him swordsmanship.

When Imam Hussein a.s. prepared to depart Medina in the month of Rajab 60 AH, Hazrat Qasim (a.s.)’s mother Hazrat Umm-e-Farwa a.s. asked Imam Hussein a.s. to take her and Qasim with him. Imam Hussein a.s. agreed.

13-year-old Hazrat Qasim a.s., grandson of Imam Ali, nephew of Abbas (a.s.), son of Hassan Al-Mujtaba and son-in-law of Hazrat Imam Hussein (a.s.), was valiant, courageous and handsome in the outlook like the moon of 14th night.

His love for religion of Islam and Chief of Martyrs Hazrat Imam Hussein (a.s.), and desire for martyrdom could be judged from the fact that when Imam (a.s.) said that we all will be placed at the pedestal of Martyrdom, al-Qasim a.s. asked whether his name would also be included in those martyrs. Imam (a.s.) asked him “Son, how do you find the death?” Qasim ibne Hassan (a.s.) replied: “Uncle, I see death sweeter than honey”.

Spirit of martyrdom and display of courage and bravery in Karbala presented by Hazrat Qasim ibn-e-Hassan (a.s.) is inclusive practical lesson for the youngsters fighting for freedom in every era. His handsome body was trampled by the horses of Yazid's forces at the plains of Karbala before the Imam could reach it. The young al-Qasim's soul was leaving the body when he fell from his horse and the army of Yazid trampled horses upon him. May our salaams be upon al-Qasim ibnul Hassan.

http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/profile-ak- ... 5_7271.jpg

Hussein Mustafa
In the name of He.

as-Salaamu 'aleykum.

Thank you for the khutbah, unlike the other speakers who mix up things, it's true what you've shared [except for the last part which Ayatullah Shaheed Mutahhari has clarified regarding trampling of Qassim's body].

Thanks Hasin.
Last edited by Muntazir on 13 Dec 2010, 16:39, edited 1 time in total.
Salaam brothers

I request a translation for the benefit of those of is who cannot understand arabic.

How would the narration above be reconciled with the words of Ayatullah Mutahhari about the trampling of Hz Qassims holy body?

Popular question: Why keep Imam Hussein's [‘a.s] name alive all the time?

Fabricated answer: “To calm the heart of Lady Faatimah Zahra [‘a.s] and give condolences”.

Ayatullah Mutahhari’s analysis:

Isn't this absurd? As if Lady Faatimah Zahra [‘a.s] is a child that her soul would weep for 1,400 years. In fact, Lady Faatimah Zahra [‘a.s] and Imam Hussein [‘a.s] could not be happier, because they are next to each other in Heaven.
I don't see how this is absurd...Are all of us children that we keep weeping every year, whenever there is a majlis for Imam Husayn (as)? Was Imam Zaynul Abideen (as) a child that he cried whenever he saw an animal being slaughtered such that people stopped slaughtering animals in front of him? Is our Imam Zamana (atfs) a child that he cries for Imam Husayn (as) everyday? Is he a madman (naudhubillah) that he polishes his sword every morning in the hope that today will be the day of his reappearance and he will avenge the blood shed in karbala?

Next thing we're going to hear from these mullahs is an Easter story...Imam Husayn (as) sacrificed himself so we can be "saved" so we should celebrate his death...I see the beginning of it in the line
Lady Faatimah Zahra [‘a.s] and Imam Hussein [‘a.s] could not be happier, because they are next to each other in Heaven.
THAT is what I find absurd!
In the name of 'Allah.

Salaamun 'aleykum.
Next thing we're going to hear from these mullahs is an Easter story
If one speaks of Ayatullah Shahid Murtadha Mutahhari, then one should know he was a renowned Shi'ah scholar who served the Ahl al-Bayt ['a.s.w.s] and was martyred in serving them.
I don't see how this is absurd
Does one agree that by crying one is calming the heart of Lady Faatimah [s.'a] and giving condolences to her? Is one expressing their sympathy to Lady Faatimah's [s.'a] grief? Why if one asks? Is Lady Faatimah [s.'a] crying because her son got the title of ash-Shaheed ash-Shuhadaa'? Or because of the injustices which takes place against the Divine Laws of 'Allah [t.w.t]?

The Ahl al-Bayt ['a.s.w.s] were a guidance to mankind from 'Allah. They taught mankind what was Haqq and Baatil. Yes, they are the Hujjat on this Earth for all creatures, like Imam Mahdi ['a.t.f.s] is for us today, but when one says that he is also crying everyday for Imam Hussayn ['a.s.w.s] and polishes his sword in wait for his reappearance, then one may ask why? Why is he crying for Imam Hussayn's ['a.s.w.s] martyrdom? What, he didn't like the Imam being martyrd? Why is he impatient for his reappearance? So he can take revenge? That's it? Is this why the Prophet [s.'a.w.w] selected Amir ul-Mu'mineen ['a.s.w.s] and he continued with Imam Hassan and Hussayn ['a.s.w.s] and the rest of the Imams ['a.s.w.s] until our Imam al-Muntadhar ['a.t.f.s]? I'm sorry to say sister, but you need to correct your views about the message of our Infallibles ['a.s.w.s]. Imam 'Ali ['a.s.w.s] moved away from the fight when "'Allah's enemy" spat on the face of the Imam ['a.s.w.s]] otherwise there was no need to do what he did. Why if one asks? Isn't 'Allah's enemy also his enemy?
Are all of us children that we keep weeping every year, whenever there is a majlis for Imam Husayn ?
Anyone can cry for what happened on the 10th of 'Aashoora, because it's a heart-breaking tragedy that took place on the face of this Universe. But only few try to understand why it actually happened and get the real message from al-Husayn's ['a.s.w.s] sacrifice. And nobody has disagreed or condemned to cry for al-Husayn, ['a.s.w.s] his companions and family members, because crying for them is proving our support towards their movement and pure message, only if we truly acknowledge the sacrifice of our Imam ['a.s.w.s] and support him by not disobeying 'Allah's commands.

Kindly note: If we really knew the significance of our Infallibles ['a.s.w.s] sacrifice, we would not only weep whenever there is a majlis for Imam Husayn ['a.s.w.s] but every day of our lives until death! And even if Lady Faatimah [s.'a] does weep for her son's martyrdom, we can never compare her weeping with ours.
Was Imam Zaynul Abideen a child that he cried whenever he saw an animal being slaughtered such that people stopped slaughtering animals in front of him?
How does it feel if an animal is slaughtered infront of us? Leave slaughter, how do we feel when we see the animals being barbequed on each corner of Dar es Salaam? Hmm! How do we feel when we drink iced water and sodas and juices? One should stop comparing the Infallibles ['a.s.w.s] with us sinful creatures.
Is our Imam Zamana (atfs) a child that he cries for Imam Husayn everyday? Is he a madman (naudhubillah) that he polishes his sword every morning in the hope that today will be the day of his reappearance and he will avenge the blood shed in karbala?
Kindly provide proofs from authentic traditions and prove that he is coming for Imam Husayn's ['a.s.w.s] revenge and not for bringing Justice and reviving today's Islam with the Divine Laws of 'Allah. Kindly read the traditions to why he was sent into occultation and why will he be brought back.
Next thing we're going to hear from these mullahs is an Easter story
As I already mentioned who Ayatullah Shaheed Murtadha Mutahhari was, one should have respect for such scholars and not judge them or disrespect them in anyway. And as for the Easter story,... if it would be a scholar narrating it then I would carefully listen to it.

The community needs to respect any kind of scholar and stop using words such as "Mullahs" in disrespecting them. They struggle for years in the worst of conditions to acquire knowledge and spread the message of Islam and some people spoil their reputation in a matter of a seconds by calling them with such names.

"O you who believe, let not people laugh at people, perchance they may be better than they, ..."

The Prophet [s.'a.w.w] said: Anyone who abases My believing servant, has declared war against Me."

also said: "Anyone who rebukes the slightest fault of a believer will not die until he himself commits that fault."
Imam Husayn sacrificed himself so we can be "saved" so we should celebrate his death
Kindly explain "saved" here. [i.e. saved from what?] and because we know he DID sacrifice, how are we saved? Also explain what kind of celebration should take place?

You also quoted by saying:
THAT is what I find absurd!
but failed to explain how and why?

Please forgive me if I said something wrong.


I remember going through parts of the 4 speeches given by Shaheed Mutahhari and reading about the distortions that you have presented as lies an their explanations.

However I don't remember reading about the point being discussed. Could you provide a link from where you have taken the content so I can read up on it again.
I never said our crying and the crying of the infallibles was the same. It is not. My point was that they cried, and that they continue to cry, even after all these years, and we cry with them, as is recommended. There is nothing child-like in it.
Plus, by "these mullahs", I mean the people we now take to be "scholars" after they have studied for a few years in Iran; "these mullahs" who are now saying hadithe kisa is not authentic, "these mullahs" who are now saying ziarate nahiya is not aunthetic. By "these mullahs", I mean the thora bhanela who are out to destroy Shi'ism from inside out.
I cam across the 4 speeches by Shaheed Mutahhari on al-islam.org

In the third speech i came across some relevant parts of his speech. I have copied only a portion that I feel will give insight on what he meant. However, I would recommend the whole of his speech be read to understand the context, which can easily be misunderstood by reading parts on their own.
Why did the Infallible Imams (and there are even traditions from the Noble Messenger in this regard) want this movement to be kept alive? that it should not be consigned to oblivion?-that the people should mourn Imam Husayn? What was the objective that led them to issue this command? We have distorted that objective, declaring that their only goal was that the mourning ceremonies are to be held for the sake of offering consolation to Hadrat Zahra', may Peace be upon her. Although she is with her great son in Paradise, we imagine that she is continually restless and full of sorrow, so she should be given consolation by the mourning of such worthless people as us! Can there be a greater insult of Hadrat Zahra' than this notion?

Some others say that Imam Husayn was murdered without any guilt at Karbala' at the hands of a group of aggressors and this was a tragedy. It is true that Imam Husayn was killed without any guilt. But is this all there is to the event that an innocent person was murdered by a group of aggressors!? Every day a thousand innocent persons are killed and wiped out throughout the world by criminals, and this is of course a tragic fact. But does this kind of death have such a value that one should go on expressing sorrow over it and continue to mourn it year after year, for years, or rather for centuries, for ten and twenty centuries, expressing sorrow and regretting that Husayn ibn 'Ali was killed without guilt and that his innocent blood was shed for no reason by aggressors? But who can dare say that Husayn ibn 'Ali's death was in vain and his blood was shed futilely? If one can find anyone in the whole world who did not allow one drop of his blood to be wasted, that is Husayn ibn 'Ali. If you can find anyone in the whole world who did not let one particle of his personality to go waste it is Husayn ibn 'Ali. He set such a high value for every single drop of his blood that it is indescribable! If you take into account the amount of wealth that has been and is spent for his sake and will continue to be spent until the day of Judgment, you will see that humanity has spent billions and trillions for every drop of his blood. Can anyone say that a man wasted his life whose death, for ever and ever, sends out tremors through the castles of the oppressors?-that his blood went in vain? Is his martyrdom to be saddening for us because Husayn ibn 'Ali was killed in vain? It is we, wretched and ignorant people that we are, I and you, whose lives go waste. We should grieve for ourselves! You insult Husayn ibn Ali when you say that his life was lost in vain! Husayn ibn 'Ali is someone about whom it is said.

Indeed you have a station with God which cannot be attained except through martyrdom.

Did Husayn ibn 'Ali desire to die a vain death when he aspired for martyrdom?

The Imams have exhorted us to keep alive the tradition of mourning over Husayn ibn Ali because his goal was a sacred goal. Husayn ibn 'Ali established a school, and they wanted his school to remain alive and flourish.

You will not find a practical school of thought in the whole world that may be likened to that of Husayn ibn 'Ali ('a). If you can find a single another example of Husayn ibn 'Ali, you may ask why we should revive his memory every year. If you can find another example of that which was manifested in Husayn ibn 'Ali during the event of 'Ashura', in those ordeals and taxing conditions, of the meaning of twahid, of faith, of the knowledge of God, of perfection, convinced faith in the other world, of resignation and submission, of fortitude and manliness, of self contentment, of steadiness and steadfastness, of honor and dignity, of the love and quest for freedom, of concern for mankind, of the passion to serve humanity-if you can find a single example in the whole world, then you may question the need to refresh his memory every year. But he is unique and without a parallel.

Keeping alive the memory of his name and his movement is for the purpose that our spirits may be illumined by the light of the spirit of Husayn ibn 'Ali ('a).

If a tear that we shed for him should signify a harmony between our souls and his spirit, it represent a brief flight that our spirit makes along with Husayn's spirit. Should it create within us a little glow of his valor, a particle of his free nature, a particle of his faith, a particle of his piety, and a small spark of his tawhid, such a tear has an infinite value. They have said that it has the worth an entire world even if it is so small as the 'wing of a gnat.' Believe it! But that is nor a tear shed for a pointless death, but a tear for the greatness of Husayn and his great spirit, a tear that signifies harmony with Husayn ibn 'Ali and of movement in his steps. Yes, such a tear has an incalculable worth even if it is so small as a gnat's wing.
Aah...now that makes a little more sense.

My fear was that if we start imagining them happy, we will say we don't need to mourn Ashura either; if they're happy, we should be be too...and from there, a Shi'a version of Easter...
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