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Yes, as long as they are in scarf
Yes even if not in proper hijab
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They do it in facebook anyway so why not?
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recently I saw the madressa yearbook.

As I started reading it I noted that along with good articles were pictures of madressa girls some of them in close up. I noticed some photos were so clear that lipstick, make-up and colored lenses were evidently visible in some photos. But most striking was how a lot of the girls' hair was visible due to close up and scarf not kept well.

Likewise boys seemed to have dressed up fora photo shoot.

Asking someone about it I was told it's a good idea so that boys can know the girls for spouse selection.

What's next? An exclusive khoja facebook?
I used to laugh when I saw the corny photos in school yearbooks. It's sad to see something similar in a muslim published book though.

The spouse selection reason IMO is not valid. Islam allows some methods but surely looking at a magazine is not one of them!

I'd be interested in knowing the opinions of the Debating society members who made the magazine, the people photographed and others involved as well.
In His Name, The Most High
It seems that such an important thing has gone dormant, and that in itself is scary. ( I hadn't seen this Topic :( )
The moment I took up the magazine and I opened it, i was shell shocked. The first thing I did was call the Editor, Aliabbas Manji. And he started to tell me that it was approved by the sheikh and the madrasa committee. He also mentioned that a consent form was given to every one to be photographed and stuff.
My wife is a Madrasa teacher and her picture is there as well, and guess what, there was nothing like a consent form given.
Even if it was given to the students ( Neither have I confirmed that it was given nor have I been assured that it wasn't) no child or student would not like their picture in the year book (Who are you kidding!) When I mean no one, I am generalizing. And even if they were given, was it informed that the boys and girls will be in the same book? We need to ask someone from Madrasa.
I have yet to ask the sheikh about his input and if he has really approved it after knowing that it would be something of that kind.
Alhamdullilah I have penetrated my way into the Madrasa System from this year, I will do my best with all your support to make sure this DOES NOT happen again because this truly has hurt me , as an institution like the madrasa has done what I would call a huge blunder that might cost us a lot.
Iltimasi dua
Muhammad (shabbir) Mohamedhussein
There seems to be two issues that need urgent addressing:

1. Publishing photos of girls

2. The above perpatrated by madressa

like br. Muhammad said these are grave issues and need to be dealt with asap
The scary part is, it somehow is ok with pretty much everyone. I dont hear any parental outrage on this. Has it been accepted by one and all without so much as a raised eyebrow? Its like we like our girls to be on display? Especially the way it has been accepted for the graduates to pose in colourful attire and with model like poses! Are we really going back to the time of Yazid when the difference between right and wrong was so blurred?
I tried approaching but the person in charge wouldn't let me talk to him as he was very busy. I guess from my part this will be pending till next Saturday insh unless I meet him at Masjid.
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:From what I found out after asking, consent forms were given.
Consent forms to be signed by parents to allow their children to be photographed and their photos to be published?

How many forms were returned?

The above will indicate how grave the matter is as pointed out earlier:
Moonbeam wrote:The scary part is, it somehow is ok with pretty much everyone.
The patron of debating society was again, Shaneabbas Jessa, and i talked to him about it. He agreed that some things might have been overlooked such as giving consent forms to teachers. I forgot to ask him details about the consent forms, perhaps next time Inshallah, but he is up for the idea of the same kind of year book, just that the books are split, like boys madrasah year book and girls madrasa yearbook.
Any other suggestions?
(V)$ wrote:just that the books are split, like boys madrasah year book and girls madrasa yearbook.
How will a separate yearbook for boys and girls solve the issue of the photos of the girls being published for all to see?
(V)$ wrote:he is up for the idea of the same kind of year book
Why have a yearbook at all?

If we really want to have a memento then why not have a journal where each class can be given one page to present their work as opposed to posed photos?
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:For those who didnt return the consent forms, I believe their pictures were not taken.

But I doubt the parents who signed the forms new how the pictures would turn out to be.
Parents of girls who signed the forms need to consider the weight of their action to allow the photo of their daughter(s) to be taken and published.
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