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Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

As Salaamu 'aleykum

I had written this down for my mom when she came to Qom for Ziyaarat. I think I can share it with all of you now. Enjoy! Study a few words and act as if you're a Farsi master!


Man Taxi mikhoham - I want a Taxi
Darbast - Private Cab
Mikhoham beram (Haram, etc) - I want to go to (Haram, etc.)
Piyadeh Misham - I want to get down here
Chand shudeh ast? - How much?
Befarme - Here you go, take this, please, etc.
Mamnoon - Thank you


Khuja ast? - Where is it?
Bebakshid! - I’m sorry!
Moazarat mikhoham - Please excuse me
Kheyli Khoub - Very good, nice
Vurud - Enter, In
Khaarej - Exit

SHOP (Maghozeh)

Salaam - Hello
In Bebinam - Can I see this, show me this please
Chande? - How much?
Kheyli Gheroon ast! - It’s too expensive
Lotfan Ta’fif konid - Please reduce the price
Mikhoham - I want it
Nemikhoham - I don’t want it
In kheyli Qashange! - This is very beautiful!
In dust doram - I like this one
Lotfan sabr konid - Please wait, hold on, be patient!


Man khareji hastam - I am a foreigner
Pul - Money
Tuman mikhoham - I want Tumans
Cart - Card
Ham iyn - Like this one, the same, same
Buro Dige - Go away! Get lost!
Nemikhoham - I don’t want!
Ghuftam dige! - I said it! I already told you!
Beshin - Sit!

I hope this much would do for now.
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By Tayyaba
Kheyli Mamnoon Muntazir.
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By Muntazir
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

As Salaamu 'aleykum

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