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By shaziya
salaam all,

i m not a book worm but wen i read i cant STOP!!!


any science behind it ke is it just human nature to be curious???

there is something different about book that is not there in movies also...i mean u can stop watching a movie from the centre and dont care about it but books!!!! u cant i bet u!

okies let the comments FLOW .....
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By Umm.aly
Very true Shaziya! same here.. once i get started; especially on a gud book, woe on the person who interrpts me :D
But then again, it depends on the book whether it is un-put-downable!
There are many such books which i have strted but then it sound too boring to continue lol..
But i agree with you.. given a choice between watching a movie and reading, i would definately read! :)
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By Muhammad
well obviously it depends on the type of book n interest of the individual..ther r many buks which realy touch the heart n distractions really r nt welcomed...

i personally welcome all n any type of distractions wen i read my skul buks!!!lol..

nt so much wen i read buks like harry potter....

1 thing i dint agree is being able to stop a movie in the middle..i really cant stop unless sumfin really important cumz up...

so well yeah..thats abt it...

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