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By abuali
lol @ Muhaddisa.... Yes, the Youth and Little Youth are great! Thumbs up to the team.

I just recalled another set of interesting authors and books. I will list them down and you all tell me if you have ever read any: -

1. Arthur Conan Doyle (Author of Sherlock Holmes)

2. Agatha Christie (author of Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple)* My sisters favourite books.

3. Carolyn Keene [in reality only a pseudonym representing the writers employed by Edward Stratemeyer- who also created The Hardy Boys] (author of Nancy Drew)

4. Erle Stanley Gardner (author of Perry Mason)

5. Alfred Hitchcock

Yes, I am a mystery fan!!!! [If you have not noticed already]
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By shaziya
looks like this is turnin more into a harry potter fan forum lol. though i m glad. :lol:

Well...the book i just read "the second child" by John Saul n must admit it is a beautiful book.

Anywayz for those who like readers digest and magazine like doctor, health, and other magazines and novels there is a goods news there is a library which lends books or magazines every saturdays and u wont believe it but the charges are 2000/= per year and 2000/= extra only for the frist year as admission. this library is the one opposite snoopy - Thibishet library (i m not sure of the spelling :oops: )

Another author which is one of my favorites is R. L. STINE well ... i am a horror book fan!!! :wink:

Hasin - i garantee you tht u wont regret reading HARRY POTTER
Muru - hope u get ur books back
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By Sayyeda
Hmmm R.L.Stine books are great as well...

Hey Hasin thanks :D , I just picked up the book at FTC yesterday... Gosh I couldn't put the book down :oops: Will let you know when I'm done with it, and will leave it at FTC for you to collect aite?

Thanks alooooooooooooooooooooooot! (shows how desperate I was to read Harry Potter) lol.
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By Umm.aly
2. Agatha Christie (author of Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple)* My sisters favourite books.

3. Carolyn Keene [in reality only a pseudonym representing the writers employed by Edward Stratemeyer- who also created The Hardy Boys] (author of Nancy Drew)
Hey all.. Mystery books are the best! I always challenge myself to try to figure out who the culprit is b4 the detective solves the mystery! 8)

Loooong time b4 (like m soo old :P ) i used to read Aghatha Christie.. she is a very old writer isnt she? I used to enjoy them then.. but now i find them a little too slow for me..

But Nancy Drew! now that i still enjoy reading :) .. infact i used to have quite a few of her books, but over the years they somehow got misplaced..
The Nancy Drew Case Files were even better.. I remeber i once got a three in one Nancy Drew n i fin them all in a day! hehe..
I always thot Carolyn Keene was a person.. a real person!!

I know of the author Arthur Conan Doyle, but have yet to read Sherlock Holmes..

I remembered this book called The Case of the Somerville Secret by Robert Newman.. i read it when i was in form 1 n soo enjoyed it that i got a copy of my own! hehe.. n whenever i come across it, i cnt resist reading it.. i actually know which dialogues are in what page! (height of obsession?! :oops: )
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By Mohdkazim
What about the Hardy Boys?????
I cant remember the authors name as i used to read looon before in tanga!! :lol:
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By abuali
Shaziya....thanks for the info on the library...will check it out sometime...do they have good books? Do they have latest Readers Digest?

The TLS (Tanzania Library Service) which is on Bibi Titi Mohammed Street is also a good resource for books. This is the one opposite raha Towers. They have a huge collection of books (both fiction and non-fiction) and especially for studies. They are the official National Library. I was a member a few years ago, and I recall that the yearly membership cost 1,000/-!!!! (got a book by Terry Brooks from there once)

Sayyeda - Most welcome...enjoy reading it...

Muhaddisa...did you know that Agatha Christie is allegedly the best known Mystery author of ALL TIMES!!!(i think this was stated by the some organization which comprises of all the mystery author stakeholders)

Have you read the one by Agatha Christie that had some murders on a train...was it Midnight Express...I am looking for it..if someone has it...

Edward Stratemeyer not only created the pseudonym Carolyn Keene, but manu others,...i think he has over 100 mystery characters under his belt...he was the owner of a company, and used to hire writers through classified adverts....with the condition that they sell all their rights of their work...and then create pseudonyms to represent the books...

Everyone should read Sherlock Holmes....they are the classics as far as Mystery is concerned.

Does anyone by any chance have a copy of Tintin in Africa ?
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By shaziya
ummmm.... well they have the latest reader digest but there is a lot of competition there as i think there are two copies of each and loads of people who want it and i wud like to let you know that they also have agatha christie.

they have very good books and per card one can get a magazine and a novel.

well ... if i m not mistaken almost everyone on this forum reads for oxygen!! so why not utilize he available libraries :oops:
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By Umm.aly
What about the Hardy Boys?????

franklin Dixon if I am not mistaken
I confirm.. lol

Well the thing is.. i have read the books of Agatha Christie.. but dnt rem wat the names were.. infact for all the books that i read, i rem the plots n character names but can never recall the titles :?
however dnt rem reading nything bout murders on the train.. I have the 'The 13 problems' by her ( have not read it yet)
have u read it? is it gud?
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By Umm.aly
Thnks for the link, but cudn't access it.. i think have a prob with my comp..

Anyways.. i remembered another gud book...

Its by Sidney Sheldon - Tell Me Your Dreams.. awesome reading! And the best part of the book is the suspensssee.. :D
The writing is superb.. the last line of the very last page leaves u stunned!! You dnt know whether to marvel at his creativeness, or whether to shriek at him for leaving you hanging in midair to draw up your own conclusions!
But a gr8 read nevertheless!
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By sumayya
Yas...u sure book 6 of Harry Potter is cumin out July ..????
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By Yas
Yep..July 16th or something like that is the official launch date. Up here we can prereserve the copy with the deposit of a pound... btw the suggested retail price is £9.99 ..which isnt too bad.
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By sumayya
hey!!....sidney sheldons windmill of the gods is fantastic..lol
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By Umm.aly
Hey all.. long time eh?

Yeah sumayya, Windmills of the gods was awesome! Even Master of the Game was a good read.. actually all of Sidney Sheldon books are too good! :)

I just finished reading John Grisham's The Client.. a very very different story indeed! And just as gripping as all his other books if not more! This time his main character is an 11 year old boy who witnesses a suicide and how far he is involved in it.. i can go on and on bout it! lol.. but dnt wanna spoil ur fun of reading it if any of u ever get a chance to read it..

Was wondering if any of you have come across the book called "The Trouble with Islam" by Irshad Manji. If u have read it, how do u find it? If u haven't you can borrow my copy and tell me how the book is! :wink:
This is the author's website..
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