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Birth Dates, Dates of Martydom, Causes of Martydom and the place of their graves. Not merely factual, but also discussions on their exemplary lives.
By fsl96
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By fsl96
When Bibi Fatimah attained the age of maturity and was ready to get married, The Holy Prophet Started Receiving Proposals from various people for her Daughter.

Hazrat Salman Farsi and Umm-e-Salama narrates, that: "When Fatima attained the marriageable age, the Important People among the tribe of Quraish Started Sending Proposals to the the prophet for her Daughter.

But the prophet did not accept any proposal saying that he awaits the order of Allah to decide this matter."
By fsl96

Umm-e-Salama Narrates:
One Day Imam Ali approached the Holy Prophet at his house. They greeted each other in a kind same manner. Imam Ali Sat Down, he was so much shy that he continued staring at the ground and could not a utter a word. The prophet understood and smiled as he knew what Imam Ali wanted to say, but he wanted to hear it from him.

He Told Imam Ali that he does not need to be shy and to say whatever he wanted to say.
With this encouragement and soft tone from the holy prophet. Imam Ali said: " You know that since childhood i have dedicate myself to your service. you have educated me from the beginning, and brought me to this status. it was because of your influence Allah Saved me from all sins and guided me to Sirat Al Mustaqeem.

It is because of your encouragement that i feel this courage in myself to express my heartfelt wish that you give me the honor of becoming your son in law.
By fsl96

Umm-e-Salama Narrates that:
" I was Watching this affair from a distance and i saw that as soon as imam Ali completed his request, The face of the Holy Prophet lit up and he asked imam Ali: what have you got to realize this act?

Imam Ali said: O prophet Of Allah! You know my condition very well, I have only a sword for fighting Jihad, A camel for traveling.

O Abul Hassan, I want To give you a Good news, that Allah has made the decision and already recited your Nikkah with my Daughter, Fatimah in the Arsh. Just before your Arrival.

resource:Marij An Nabuwwah
By fsl96

Jibreel: O prophet Of Allah, Allah has chosen you and made you the most respected and high among his creatures and selected Ali as Your Brother. and has decided the nikkah of your daughter and servant of Allah, Fatimah would be with Ali.

Allah arranged for their nikkah in such a manner that he addressed the dwellers of jannah to dress themselves with ornaments of jannah and ordered all the angels to assemble together on the 4th sky.
He then appointed Hazrat Adam to recite the Khutba, After the Khutba Allah ordered Raheel To recite Surah Al Hamd. Raheel is a beautiful Angels and possess the most beautiful voice.

After this event. The Holy prophet said:
O Abul Hassan, the order of Allah of Allah Has been served and i invite you to come to mosque so that this add should be formalized on earth as well among the witness.

Such was the importance of this marriage that allah arranged the ceremony on Arsh and himself decided and recited the Nikkah of Imam - Ul- Mutaqeen Amir ul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib with the leader of the women of this world and the paradise, Bibi fatimah
By fsl96

"May Allah Bless his messenger's Daughter; Ali, This is fatimah. You Are responsible for her.
Ali, What an excellent wife fatimah is!
Fatimah, What an excellent husband Ali is!

O Allah, Bless them, Bless their Lives, Bless their Children
O Allah, Surely they are most beloved to me from among your creatures,
So love them too, And assign for them a guardian.

I place them and their progeny under your protection from the cursed devil.
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By Moonbeam
Mashallah what a special wedding and a great exemplary marriage!

The funny thing is, we end up calling this day the Islamic/Muslim "valentines day!" :confused: we just HAVE to imitate the west! Why??
By fsl96
Good Question.... maybe u say the the word valentine is copied :P but this marriage has been beautiful as forever :)
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