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Birth Dates, Dates of Martydom, Causes of Martydom and the place of their graves. Not merely factual, but also discussions on their exemplary lives.
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By Reyhana
Brother Taha, please help us out with answering this question, as I dont think anyone has managed to get an answer to it.Then you can post another question. :D
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By Reyhana
Think I will post a question as this quiz has become dormant. Hope Brother Taha wont mind.

(1)How many years was the Ghaibat e Sughra?

(2) The ghaibat e sughra was from year __ to year _.
By fsl96
hard Question. there are a lot of riwayats stating that imam did not have a wife. but some other do say he had. we still don't know do we?
Attack on Gaza; a tragic mistake ?

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