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A mere piece of clothing has been creating turmoil all around the world. I cant help but wonder, what threat does this simple way of dress pose to those who oppose it...and what does hijab mean to women?
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By SukainaRoshan

How Haram Is Music?

Well, I think everyone now knows that music is haram. However, HOW haram is it? Let me explain what I mean: Some people say that it depends on the content, etc. Does anyone have any ahadith about music? Like for example 'Listening to music will give cause a barrier between you and jannah', or stuff like that?


Cambridge University’s Trinity College has m[…]

$1 billion in ammunition to Israel

According to two members of Congress, the administ[…]

Al An'aam (The Cattle)

Short tafsir on Suratul An'aam (The Cattle) Part 1[…]

All children deserve mental security!

Parents in Gaza, like Esra Abu Ghazzah, are consta[…]

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