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A mere piece of clothing has been creating turmoil all around the world. I cant help but wonder, what threat does this simple way of dress pose to those who oppose it...and what does hijab mean to women?
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By Tanveer
They stand there with shorts, so short, excessively short; shorts that so deceptively capture from them all they know of modesty
...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair.

They stand there, face lost in a sea of make-up; make-up that so ruthlessly captures from them all they know of freedom
...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair.

They stand there, hair raining with gels, colored chemicals that so menacingly capture from them all they know of purity
...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair.

They stand there, so close, so very close to their "lovers"; devoted to them; the devotion that so mercilessly captures from them all they know of individuality
...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair.

For my scarf is my protector, my lover, my devotion, my pureness, my beauty and my rememberance of God and I proudly pull it over my hair and body knowing that when I wear it, I so rightfully thrust away all the things that the devil brought about, And when I put it on...I AM FREE!!!
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By Aliyah
Assalamun alaykum,

Mashallah! I really liked your text on scarf. Actually I got to know the importance of wearing scarf as we young girls do not appreciate our religion what it asks us to do which is never harmful.

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By Umm.aly
Beautifully compiled!!! :)
By ams786
a very beautiful way of putting it..compositions like these really make one realize how precious we women are, and that is why hijab is compelled upon us by our religion, it in no way at all hinders our progress,as thought by many non-muslims,but in reality gives us the freedom and security to reach the unreachable..
jazakallah khair..
iltimase dua
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By Sajida
very correct..i dont know why women feel they r opressed when they wear hijab..
By mahmooda.ashraf.siwji
very nicely put
please contribute these kinds of message
so the new generation reader have the encouragement
because there is lots of discouragement in the public for
the hijab wearers jazakallah
By sid
a very good poem which reflects the importance of hijab in our society!
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