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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage
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By smak786110
As per my point of view,the first night of a married person is like the starter of big problems.
Some problems as I have seen are: Husbands are soo much surpresed by their wives tht u sometimes it feels tht he is nt her husband bt a slave...One of the reasons is wives do some magic on husbands and make them like this :? ...
Problem 2..Wife or Husband's hate each others families..Thts the biggest problem...
Problem 3....Flirty type of Husband or Wife...Which causes the problems btw their marrage
The solution for the above is to find a good husband or wife,who has good manners,has some shame and respect,is religious etc..AND until nw I dont think I hv seen such a person in our communtiy :lol: :lol: ...LOL!!!
M nt saying tht I m also tht good :roll:
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By arsenic
The solution for the above is to find a good husband or wife,who has good manners,has some shame and respect,is religious etcAND until nw I dont think I hv seen such a person in our communtiy
well wat u have mentioned above depends entirely upon the type of surrounding u subsist in...
according to me...the kind of people im surrounded with r quite upright and respectable...
quite many people i know who are shameful respectful as well as religious...
and one more thing id like to point out is..... before talking abt changing the people and community at large,we shud try changing ourselves first...as it goes "charity begins at home" i guess then we'll have less to complain about... :idea:

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