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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage
By Mustafa Abizer

Marriage is the beginning of a family and is a life-long commitment. It also provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your wife and children. Marriage is more than a physical union; it is also a spiritual and emotional union.

Marriage brings great joy to many but it also brings challenges, often profound ones. How a couple manages them often determines whether their relationship collapses or holds firm.

How does marriage change people?

Marriage does more than change people’s living situation and daily routines; becoming a spouse appears to change one’s personality as well, especially in the early years of marriage. Men, for example, tend to become more conscientious and introverted than they were when single, and women more emotionally stable.

Essential Elements of a Strong and Healthy Marriage

A listening ear, validation, empathy, sharing, and understanding can all be elements of a healthy connection. These elements serve as a basis of establishment as well as the benefits of the connection. A strong connection often serves as a foundation upon which other elements are built.

Commitment is the act of choosing a partner for life and, with that act, implying unconditional acceptance of the person's flaws and all.

Giving is the tangible show of commitment, of choice, of a deeper attachment than mere friendship. When one partner focuses solely on the self, the other partner becomes an object, not someone who is special and loved.

True giving is unconditional. A person may also give out of fear of being alone.

Respect comes from a deep understanding of our significant other, of their thoughts, reactions, opinions, values, and attitudes. Our understanding of who our partner is as a person, and our respect for the qualities that make up our partner, often leads to the growth of admiration.

I believe that when there is a solid mutual connection, commitment, giving, and respect, the trust partners have for each other cannot be broken.

The most important elements of intimacy are openness and honesty, both of which may require the sharing of things that one is ashamed of.

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