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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage
The problem in the society wheiren marriege is expensive is a great threat from our yougsters. In order to get away from many problems we have in Tanzania, marriege must be in simple and normal way
By Ustaz Hussein
One of the things that keep people away from sinning is marriege. I propose that a forum be made wheiren people should choose their partners in marriege and strict Islamic rules be obsvered
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By abuali
Interesting idea

two questions:

1. how to ensure islamic rules are followed on such a matchmaking site

2. how many of us khojas will use such a site or will be comfortable using such a site.

Its also worth mentioning that perhaps this will encourage marriage but the core hurdles facing youths who want to marry will still remain.
By Yaz
I personally feel that the marriage ceremonies and celebration are a one time thing or atleast thats what we all are projected towards when we get married. So, I feel that one should try to do the best to their ability. The real problem comes when you are "competing" with someone and are limited on resources - that's the point which will separate the luxury from the needs and the needs from the wants class.

Depending on the guests and budget, I think you should always take pride in whatever way you wish to celebrate.
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By abuali
Yaz wrote:I personally feel that the marriage ceremonies and celebration are a one time thing or atleast thats what we all are projected towards when we get married. So, I feel that one should try to do the best to their ability. The real problem comes when you are "competing" with someone and are limited on resources - that's the point which will separate the luxury from the needs and the needs from the wants class.

Depending on the guests and budget, I think you should always take pride in whatever way you wish to celebrate.
What Yaz has described affects everyone, some more than others.

So if there is a wealthy family, they can afford all the luxury of celebration, and usually end up in committing sin(s) in the name of celebration, in effect reducing the blessings of nikah.

Those who are not well to do have to end up worrying about what people will say, what the in-laws and other relatives will talk about etc etc.

I feel the only solution is if the wealthy start having the simplest marriages. Both the above issues will then be solved.


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