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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage
Salams. Found this article rather interesting!! Maybe next time I visit the cardiac cathetar lab - it would be well worth asking the patients if they are married! :wink:

Spousal spats can damage your heart
Hostile wives and domineering husbands at risk for clogged arteries

The manner in which husbands and wives argue over such hot-button topics such as money, in-laws, and children, may be a factor in their risk of developing coronary atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries of the heart.

In a study of 150 couples, mostly in their 60s, researchers found that women who behaved in a hostile manner during marital disputes were more likely to have atherosclerosis, especially if their husbands were also hostile.

In men, hostility -- their own or their wives -- was not related to atherosclerosis. However, men who behaved in a dominating or controlling manner -- or whose wives behaved in that way -- were more likely to have clogged coronary arteries.

This study supports a "small but growing body of research that suggests that beyond the health benefits of being married, marital quality seems to make a difference in heart health," Dr. Timothy Smith, a psychologist from the University of Utah noted in an interview with Reuters Health.

"Conflicts are an unavoidable part of being in any meaningful relationship," Smith said, "but the way we conduct them is important not only for our relationship health and emotional well-being but maybe even for our physical health as well."

Smith's team took a "behavioral snapshot" of married couples by bringing them into the lab and having them discuss a topic that is a source of conflict or disagreement for them. "We assumed that the couple's behavior during the discussion would reflect their long-term pattern of behavior," Smith explained, "although a marital spat in front of researchers likely is a muted version of what goes on at home," he acknowledged.

The videotaped disputes were given a score indicating the extent to which each participant was friendly versus hostile, and submissive versus dominant or controlling.

The researchers related these scores to the level of coronary artery calcification --a measure of plaque buildup in the arteries supplying blood to the heart, seen on a CT scan.

According to Smith, who presented the study findings Friday at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, wives who were more hostile during the discussion had more calcium deposits in the coronary arteries, placing them at increased risk for a heart attack. "This was particularly true for women whose husbands were also hostile so that pattern of reciprocated hostility was associated with atherosclerosis for women," Smith said.

For husbands, displays of dominance or control by themselves or their wives were most related to atherosclerosis.

"The only group of men that had very little atherosclerosis were those where both they and their wives were able to talk about a disagreement without being controlling at all," Smith said. "So the absence of a power play in the conversation seemed to be heart protective for men," he concluded.

xx_atika_xx wrote:Maybe next time I visit the cardiac cathetar lab - it would be well worth asking the patients if they are married! :wink:
I bet most of them are :!:
By xx_atika_xx
Majority of them are also male... :twisted:

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned :wink:
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By qarrar
xx_atika_xx wrote:Majority of them are also male... :twisted:

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned :wink:
Again I must say we are doomed and indeed that last sentence is true to its every word :!: :evil:

InnAllaha Ma' As'sabireen
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By qarrar
How did Slobodan Milosevic die of a heart attack in his cell when his wife was no way near him, you might ask :?: Well I’ll let you in on a little secret, the UN prosecutor was a women :!: :twisted:
By xx_atika_xx

And he had malignant hypertension which has a mortality rate of 75% and angina pectoris

And the UN persecutor must have done a very good job because during his trial the 'long hours' and 'stress' were deteriorating his condition!

Ps- her statement after his death

"It deprives the victims of the justice they need and deserve". What they are asking for is that justice be done, and now it will not be possible." :twisted: God bless her.

And his wife blames it on the tribunal....
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By qarrar
xx_atika_xx wrote:And he had malignant hypertension which has a mortality rate of 75% and angina pectoris
Did you happen to see the report on his autopsy or what :?:
By xx_atika_xx
Nope just followed some bits of his trial.

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