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Posted: 05 Nov 2004, 04:55
by zafar
The miracle answer for when to get married is in the quote below:

Sayid Hassan Al-Qazwini:-

However, if the person fears that if he/she does not get married they will commit fornication or any other sexual related sins, then marriage becomes wajib on that person.

My view is that sexual related sin does also include thinking or looking lustfully.

All other reasons discussed so far eg. money,age,maturity,education etc would than become secondary.

Allah knows best.

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 15:36
by Keep Smiling
Hasin, why is this topic a six million dollar question?Why not more than 6 or less than 6?

Hey, why has this discussion put to a stop??i had been enjoying reading and getting to know all that was been said and now??

A Question:
When the guy comes to meet the girl after the proposal...What kind of questions should each of them ask??

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 20:19
by abuali
Hasin, why is this topic a six million dollar question?Why not more than 6 or less than 6?
I just used the 'six million dollar question' phrase as a figure of speech. I guess it originates from some question games, where answering the last question may get the participant 6 million dollars. So before asking the last question, the show host would say,'And now, for the six million dollar question....'

In other words, I was just trying to show the importance of the question.

To put my few comments on your question....

One should ask all relevant questions...and there are many many of them. Hence, the questions have to be preplanned to ensure that the important ones are not forgotten.

One would want to know what are the persons likes and dislikes, his work, his opinions on certain issues...Most importantly I think what should be discussed between the man and woman is what each of them expect to get out of marriage...Hence the woman and man both should lay their cards on the table as to how they expect their married life to be like...

Any thoughts on this?

Early Marriage....How and When?

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 00:13
by Mohamedraza Jaffer
To all brothers and sisters who shared their views on the above subject have made their thoughts clear whether in support or against in so far as the age is concerned.

However, you will notice that inspite of adhearing to the ages as recomended by both the partisipants still we have a long list of divorces in our community. The reason being "mis-communication between the married partners."

My opinion is to search what causes the mis-communication to take place before we jump to the conclusion of marrigable ages.

right age for marriage

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 02:09
by Muntazir Manji
salaam alaikum.

This seems to be an interesting discussion..

First as zafar quotes, it becaomes wajib for a person to marry when he feels he will fall into sinful acts. This is also stated in the risala amaliyah of ayatollah sistani. Therefore, the circumstances of a person are more important than the age!

Since the million dollar question (well hasin join the club.. this happens to my most common phrase used!).. is what age a person shoud get married, then my opinion is - as soon possible. If a person is 18 or less and mature enough to handle the responsibility of a married life, i do not see any harm. However, that maturity is somehow not seen in most teenagers! so i suggest 18+.. meanwhile, you can ask Allah to help you remain far away from sins. And ofcourse, the greater responsibility is on your side, that is, give your best in refraining from even thinkning about lustful matters. Remember, if you do that, for the sake of Allah, he will give you such rewards in this world and in the hereafter, that you will have never thought of.

Moreover, as we all may be aware, marriage is not only the one that we are talking about in this discussion. Temporary marriage is an option that the shariah hs given us, WHEN WE FEAR TO FALL INTO SIN. I put that in caps because that is the instruction from the Quran. Please refer to Surah an nisa ayahs 23 to 25. (if u need further information, please let me know. this is a vast topic, so i can refer you to more sources if need be!)

Marriage is a great responsibility, we must make sure that we have what it takes to accept that responsibility and also select an appropriate spouse, and do that as early as possible.

Those who worry about finance and postpone marriage should quickly realise that Allah is the sustainer. He says in the Quran that we should not fear if we are financially not well.. get married and out of his mercy he will improve your condition.. unfortunately i do not rememebr the exact verse at the moment.. but thats what it talks about.

As far as the questions that we should ask to a person we intend to marry,i think there are certain issues that are very important! such as the religous background of that person, the family background, the level of morality, and all that.

Some of us young people go wrong in asking questions.. we focus more on the worldly aspects such as the luxuries and all that! but thats wrong. The most important thing that you need from your spouse is spiritual/religious and emotional stability! everything else comes later! ofcourse, it isnt wrong to like luxuries, but that shoulnt the main concern!

Mohamedraza mentions that there are still a large no of divorces in our community. I say yes, and these can be avoided, if we make the right choice. Miscommunication is a very important factor, but also sometimes, after marriage couples relise that they made the wrong choice! Thats why we must ask and also actively study the person before we get married. Ofcourse, within the limits of the islamic shariah.

AS far as the engagemnet period is concerned, i also prefer the idea of contracting mutah, the reason being that even to be in a place where there is a possibility to fall into sin, is haram! now when you are engaged, that possibility becomes greater. Like holding hands, touching, intimate talk, etc.

for those who intend to marry soon, i recommed that you read the book :"YOUTH AND SPOUCE SELECTION". It explains all aspects of spouse selection very extensively.

Finally, id like to say, this topic is not only interesting, but also very important! more young people should be joining this discussion. And please note that im not talking as an expert in marriage!

:roll: muntazir Manji


Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 22:42
by Sajida
Salaam everyone..i came across this and i thought it was worth reading..enjoy :lol:

"And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect." (Qur'an 30:21)

In the Qur'an, the marriage relationship is described as one with "tranquility," "love" and "mercy." Elsewhere in the Qur'an, husband and wife are described as "garments" for each other (2:187). Garments offer protection, comfort, modesty, and warmth. Above all, the Qur'an describes that the best garment is the "garment of God-consciousness" (7:26).

Muslims view marriage as the foundation of society and family life. In a practical aspect, Islamic marriage is thus structured through legally-enforceable rights and duties of both parties. In an atmosphere of love and respect, these rights and duties provide a framework for the balance of family life and the fulfillment of both partners.

1, 2, 3's Of Marital Life
My beloved brother came to me so depressed. I tried very hard to help him and to comprehend the source of his depression and misery. I have often felt his pain with my experience in marital relationships. My brother is a newlywed. He worries about his failure to solve his marital problems and daily clashes with his wife. I felt his pain as well as his wife's. Neither of them had the chance to fully understand how to be a husband or wife. I told him that Allah SW has made us in constant need, with our physical, emotional and financial needs. However, the emotional needs are the most important of these. Allah SW says in the holy Quran it is He (SWT), "Who provides them with food against hunger and with security against fear (of danger)."

Fulfilling these emotional needs is very important to the establishment of a stable martial life and family. These needs include:

The Need For Love
This is by far the most important type of need. Unfortunately, couples have a tendency overlook it. The need for love in its general meaning is vital for the continuation of the marital life. Therefore, couples should renew their love continuously. The following are some of the methods that nurture love between husbands and wives:

Do not make comparisons between the engagement period and the marriage. It is just unfair. Both have their own conditions. Couples frequently worry about the absence in their marriage of the intense emotions they felt during engagement. They forget that these feelings mature into other types of love and express themselves in much more mature ways.
Do not surrender to life's problems and burdens. Marital life can get complicated, especially when children enter the picture. Couples feel the real everyday pressures of caring for their children, their homes and their spouses. It is easy to become overwhelmed and forget to smile or laugh.
Do not use other couples as the standard for yourselves. Husbands and wives should absolutely refrain from making any comparisons with other couples. For instance, the husband must not tell his wife so and so is better than you, nor could she tell him so and so is better than you. It offends him or her. And it is not always the case that the other couples situation is what it appears.
Be forgiving of each other's shortcomings. Couples should look past minor failings and concentrate instead on the positive. The focus should be on good deeds and the encouragement of anything that promotes harmony, respect and love.
Simplicity. Life is already complicated enough. Couples should work to simplify it for one another. The home should be a sanctuary from the stresses of life. The actions of the Prophet PBUH are a guide to us in this regard.
Express your love. Couples should express their love to each other by all means possible. They should nurture this love, strengthen it and enjoy it. Unfortunately, some cultures do not promote the male's explicit expressions of love because they associate manhood with toughness. Our Prophet (PBUH) again was the most compassionate and loving husband. His gentleness with his wives is also a guide to our relationships. This expression may be needed more and more when the wife goes through difficult physical times, like pregnancy or delivery. A loving touch, a gentle word, a smile, or a comforting word are often all it takes to assure the other side of your love, support and appreciation.

The Need For Freedom
The type of freedom needed here is a comprehensive freedom in all aspects of life. It includes:

Financial freedom. The husband should always give his wife some money to spend it whenever she feels necessary, even if his income is limited. Women need to feel secure financially. This is why Islam mandated the dowry to women.
Freedom of independent opinion. Both sides should not impose their own opinions on the other. They should respect the independence of the other and respect the difference in their views. Viewing the spouse's opinion as silly or belittling it in any way does not contribute to a healthy marital relationship.
Social freedom within the guides of the Shari'a. Men should have full confidence in their wives when they seek to go to school, visit family, visit friends or seek a job as long as both sides are performing their duties toward themselves and toward the family. Both should realize the need for restrictions on these freedoms. However, the margin of freedom should be respected.

The Need For Success
Husbands and wives need the assistance of each other to succeed in anything they do, even if it is simple matter. No one ought to ridicule what the other is doing, but encourage the other to be their best.

The Need For Change
Daily routine needs to be broken sometimes. There is a need for a walk, a trip, a change in the house decoration, going to the park, to the zoo, etc. These activities renew life and provide it with energy and continuity.

In conclusion my dear brothers and sisters, if love and compassion exists between couples, they should be able to solve any problem facing them. I pray to Allah SWT to grant all couples happiness and prosperity.

Happy reading... :)

Early marriage how and when?

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 03:45
by Mohamedraza Jaffer
Since we are discussing early marriage the points raised by sister Sajida do make sence but the most important part in marriage is the qunch of the phisical needs of both the partners which we as community fail to address to our brothes and sisters at the time of considering marriage.

Most of the time you find the couples not functioning well due to faliure in accepting the interest of the other partner or ignoring him or her in many ways.

Let us try to correct our behaviour towards each other in order to be succesful in our marriges.


Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 13:49
by Sajida
Salaam brother Mohdraza,
Thanks for pointing out at that point..i searched for that n i got this paragraph which i thot myt show something..have a read..

Sexual Needs
Sex is natural and both sides should work hard to fulfill the needs of the other. Couples should not shy from admitting the existence of some sexual problems. There is no harm in that. Both should work on them and seek sexual fulfillment. Statistics have shown that 70% of marital problems are of sexual nature.

Feel free to contradict if i go wrong anywhere...

Early marriage

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 16:16
by Mohamedraza Jaffer
Walykum salaam sister Sajida

You have hit the nail by pointing out the most essential need in the successful marriage.

However, there are some other problems that also needs a great considaration and that is our "riwage" wrong systems in marriage.
We man think that a woman becomes our property when we marry them. we never realize the sacrifices that she makes to be our married partner.

When a woman gets married in our community that means she gets married not to the man only but the entire family. She has to serve every one at home like an Aya.

Let us refer to the family life in Islam which clearly reccomends that the children after getting married should stay by themselves and not with the parents if it is affordable.

That does not mean that parents should be ignored but on the cotrary the love between the children and parents increases.

Please comment on this suggestion.

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 17:17
by Nayaab
Regarding the issue of staying with or without parents after marriage can have two sides to it: staying with the girls' parents? or the guys'?
-Many times, the couple staying with the girls' parents (having "ghar jamai") have people raising eyebrows and asking questions. Isnt the guy supposed to support his wife after marriage? Well, living with the girls' parents doesnt mean he's not providing for them! They might be getting some kind of support which they otherwise wouldnt if the girl was living wit her family.
-Living separate from the in-laws (i refer to the guy's parents) raises eyebrows too. Blame it on the daughter-in-law - she doesnt want to live with her sasu! Thats not necessarily the case. It might be the other way 'round!
Personally, i feel the couple should live with the guys' parents after marriage. After all, it is true that the girl gets married to not only the guy but his family too! His parents cared for him all the time, isnt it time they got something..however little in measure, in return?? We all know that we can never repay our parents for what they have done for us.
i am not saying what you should and what you shouldnt do. These are just different ways to think about it. Everybody is free to do as they wish.

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 15:56
by MuNtAzIr_uk
I was just going thru this forum, and by God, there are some really heavy points out there. I must say that most - if not all- of the contributions have been top notch :)

There's not really a lot I can add to what has already been said. But this is what I, personally, believe. Course, as i'm not married (yet :wink: ) I may have a bit of a slightly biased view of it being a Bed of Roses, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Marriage is not just something you do, just coz you've now grown up, and everybody's on your back pressuring to 'Get married basi'...Marriage is what YOU, as an individual, make of it. I once was told that a WIFE translated to 'Worries Invited ForEver.' Of course, it sounds well funny, even the ladies will have to agree... but it got me thinking...Is it really like that? I mean, we've always been told marriage is good for you, isn't it?

That's when I came up with my own translation of WIFE - Wonders Invited ForEver. Now i know some of you'll probably be thinking 'This guy's living in a fantasy world :roll: '. And i can understand that, it does seem a bit naive, doesn't it?

But the thing is, I KNOW that marriage may not necessarily be a bed of roses (no matter how much i want to believe that). Marriage IS about compromises, we all know that. The question we need to ask ourselves, 'Are we ready to compromise for the person we want to live the REST of our lives with?' these may be little things, like the guy coming home a little early from work, so he can take the wife out to dinner :)
I cant comment on the lady's compromises, as i'm not married (yet :wink: ) but i'm sure the ladies will get the gist of what i'm trying to say.

Well, that's my view on the matter.
And as for the old qn of When should we get married?? We know that marriage has been recommended as early as possible, and thats fine.
But i do believe that mental age plays a big part, not just the physical age. its possible for someone who's 21 to have the playfulness and no-care attitude of a 14yr old... that might not be very helpful in decision making...
But if the couple are mentally ready for marriage, i think thats fine. Parents need to be especially supportive at this stage.
But they also have to consider the financial aspect of marriage (no, i'm not talking abt the wedding cake and dress, and the reception) Again, parents need to help out at this stage too, at least to get the couple started off...esp if its a young couple.

Education is another vital part, but its not the only thing. There's a lot of pressure on young people these days to go for the high end degrees and PhD's, so they can make an impression. Of course, i'm not against this. Everyone should be given a chance to do whatever course they feel is most appropriate. But i think that a person shouldn't be judged solely on what course they're a guy, i'm not necessarily looking for a PhD holder in Astronomy (for example). We have seen examples of people going on to do wondrous things without even a decent college education (Bill Gates was a coll dropout, if i'm not mistaken) If i'm told that a girl has done, eg a hairdressing course, i'd be thinking of how much money i would save by having her cut my hair ! ! ! :wink:

Well, thats abt it on my views. Feel free to contradict and question anything.
salams and duas,

Posted: 26 Feb 2005, 14:56
by proudmuslimah
this indeed is a very interesting nd definitely informative debate.but there are some doubts in my mind that id like to share and any advice is most welcome...

first..when the couples meet before getting engaged..they say that this is a very crucial moment which should be utilized at the utmost as this is the time when each of the youth comes to know more about the other..but wat i think is that..just a few hours are not is said that every1 has got 2 that they themselves only know of and the other that they show a person can be at his best during such times..while the reality is known after marriage..

second..every marriage councellor says that u shud choose a spouse who is do u know that a person is pious after just one meeting.??parents at times do insist on the good name that the family ahs portrayed..but how sure can we be that the children have followed the parents??how do u see piety in a person??

as far as education is concerned ..yes education is a very imporatant aspect to be considered especially as we can see the cunnigness of the latest generation..sorry to be putting it that way..but if parents are at all ignorant of the latest happeneings than their children will takes them for a bumpy ride..

so..apart from piety nd education..wat else wud u look 4 in ur spouse??nd hw wud u knw of his tru character in just moments of meeting him??

iltimase dua

Posted: 04 Mar 2005, 15:15
by zamina
doesnt the concept of love count for anything?

Posted: 07 Mar 2005, 01:50
by abuali
Alaykum salaam all
first..when the couples meet before getting engaged..they say that this is a very crucial moment which should be utilized at the utmost as this is the time when each of the youth comes to know more about the other..but wat i think is that..just a few hours are not is said that every1 has got 2 that they themselves only know of and the other that they show a person can be at his best during such times..while the reality is known after marriage..
I think you have just hit on the fear of most young people who are on the path to finding a spouse.

I personally feel that the potential spouse should not be judged solely on this meeting, precisely because of the reasons you have mentioned.

But I do feel that this meeting is important, AFTER HAVING FOUND OUT EVERYTHING YOU CAN ABOUT THAT PERSON AND HAVING DECIDED THAT YOU WOULD LIKE HIM/HER TO BE YOUR SOUSE, so as to frankly put forward your future plans and aspirations and ask his or hers so as to decide whether you are now compatible for a lifelong commitment to each other.

This meeting can only be fruitful if both parties are very frank and truthful.

The question then how do we judge and make a decision?

The Holy Prophet has given two main things to look out for: -

1. Piety...
2. Family background

Now both of these can be very hard to spot as you also realize when you mentioned the following
second..every marriage councellor says that u shud choose a spouse who is do u know that a person is pious after just one meeting.??parents at times do insist on the good name that the family ahs portrayed..but how sure can we be that the children have followed the parents??how do u see piety in a person??
However, i feel its not extremely hard to make a roughly accurate judgement about a person if quality time and effort is spent on researching about him/her.

For example...observing or getting information about that persons closest friends would give a very obvious picture of the 'group' of people he/she hangs out with...which would inturn tell you a lot about the personality of that person.

Family very important modern science has now confirmed...genes play a major role in shaping people. And normally its not very difficult to find out about the family background especially in a community like that of Dar es Salaam.

What to look for in a family background? All the good qualities...priority number 1= Piety....others can be anything...bravery, honesty etc etc...because all that will then be passed on to your children...

Thats the reason that Imam Ali (AS) requested his brother to search for a family who was known for bravery as he wanted to marry and father a son who would support Imam Hussain (AS) in Kerbala. That baby was non other that Hazrat Abbas and his blessed mother was chosen from a tribe (family background) that was renowned for bravery (and piety ofcourse).

Hence, if the person is pious and his family passes that test have a very high chance of having found the right spouse...because you have found the combination of WILL (piety of the person) and GENES (family background)

It has to be remembered...PIETY is a compound of many things...WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF ALLAH (SWT) are part of this compound.

doesnt the concept of love count for anything?
What is your definition of Love?

Re: When should I get married?

Posted: 19 Apr 2005, 22:38
by kulsham
hasin wrote:I call it the six million dollar question. When is the right time to get married?
Yes. Six million dollar question. Which confuses mind Sixty Million Times to find the reply :p