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This is the place to post articles on any issue which doesn not fit under any other category or forum
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By smak786110
OR in starting lets find someone who is studying in Qum and has good Islamic knowledge.... What do u think??? :?
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By kulsham
hasin wrote:its something that would be great.

Unfortunately all of them lead very busy lives and all we can do is put the proposal forward.
they are busy but they wont say No.
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By smak786110
I think Mawlana Shanawaz Mahdavi was about to come in Nov to DAR..Al-Mis hv appointed him.... You guys cn ask him also....
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By kulsham
i cat try? lol.... i wish i could try.. i can try emailing Mr. Hasnain rajabali..
for that... you draft me the propoal :p

who is Mawlana Shanawaz?
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By smak786110
the one who came in DAR recently for majlis...I think it was Ashraa or Muharaam...Thn everyon ws thinking he ws bohoraa
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By kulsham
hmmm.... you can tell him to become an ASK member then.....
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By kulsham
smak786110 wrote:who is the moderator here ??? :roll:

but you can volunteer :p :wink:
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By Tayyaba
where is evryoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...only zahra is alive in here lol lol ... :lol: lets make this forum lively again!!!!
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By qarrar
Tayyaba wrote:where is evryoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...only zahra is alive in here
The rest are wondering zombies :lol:
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By kulsham
Tayyaba wrote:where is evryoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...only zahra is alive in here lol lol ... :lol: lets make this forum lively again!!!!
we are all alive, i think you are the halloween ghost who appears only once a year :p:p
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By kulsham
qarrar wrote:
Tayyaba wrote:where is evryoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...only zahra is alive in here
The rest are wondering zombies :lol:
I Come In Peace
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By kulsham
Happy Birthday to all January Peeps
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By qarrar
kulsham wrote:I Come In Peace
We can never be too sure :roll:

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