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By qarrar
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:ziyarat ameerul momeeneen?
I am so tempted to give away the answer, but I won’t put you out of you’re miseries yet. Nopes it aint data as-well :!:
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By Zahra..
Ok qarrar.. give the answer if ur so tempted.. :P lol..
Is it Ziyaarate - Arba'een?? :oops: :oops:

By proudmuslimah
well..how abt ziyarate arbaeen..this occasion cmes only once every year???
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By qarrar
Zahra.. wrote:Ok qarrar.. give the answer if ur so tempted.. :P lol..
Is it Ziyaarate - Arba'een??
proudmuslimah wrote:He recites Ziyaarat -e - Arba'een at least once a year. well..how abt ziyarate arbaeen..this occasion comes only once every year???
I use the word tempted and people begin putting their thinking hats on or was sheer luck that this Ziyarta’s name came to two peoples mind almost simultaneously? YES it’s the correct answer.

The 11th Imam Hazrat Imam Hassan Al-Askari (as) was once asked of the signs of a mo'min (believer). He listed the following signs:

He is one who prays 51 rakaat of salaat daily

He prostrates on Khak-e-Shafaa

He wears Aqeeq ring on his right hand

He repeats the verses of Azaan & Iqama

He recites "Bismillah" loudly in Salaat

He prays his Fajr Salaat before the stars disappear and his Zhuhr prayers before the sun starts to decline

He recites Qunoot in Salaat

He dyes his hair and beard

He recites 5 takbir in Salatul Mayyit

He recites Ziyaarat -e - Arba'een at least once a year.

Every single one of these things mentioned by Imam Askari (as) has an interesting history behind it although I do not know of all, but I will mention one of them.

He wears Aqeeq ring on his right hand

A part from the fact that it is Tradition, this goes back to the Arbitration between Imam Ali and Muawiyah.

During the consultations made by their respective representatives - Abu Musa on part of Imam Ali, and Amr b. al-Aws on part of Muawiyah - they decided that in order to avoid the conflict altogether, they should both go out in public and say that neither Ali nor Muwaiyah should be the caliph and that muslims should select a new person.

So then when they are going to do this, Abu Musa announces that he dismounts both Ali and Muawiyah from the caliphate.

After that, it is time for Amr b. al-Aws to do it. He also says, I dismount Ali from the caliphate and removes the ring from his right hand. But then, against the agreement he did with Abu Musa, he puts the ring on his left hand and says, just as I installed this ring on my finger, I install Muawiyah on the seat of Caliphate.

From that day on, you could discern between the followers of Ali - the believers (mu'mineen) - and the followers of Muawiyah by looking at where they wore the ring. That is why it is "a sign of a believer".

The sunni scholars could not deny that the Prophet (s) wore it on his right hand and therefore (many of them) distorted the traditions and claimed he wore it on the left.
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By Zahra..
Wow.. :)
I guess its my turn to ask now.. Ok here goes..
What was the name of the tribe of Hazrat Abbas's mother??

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By qarrar
Zahra.. wrote:What was the name of the tribe of Hazrat Abbas's mother??
Banu Asad
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By Zahra..
Hey.. i wudnt give something that easy.. :P Actually theres another word im looking for.. Banu Asad is also right.. anyway should i juss tell u guys the word???
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By Zahra..
Hey.. why is sooo quiet in here?? :oops: Shud I juss give the answer??
Or u people still want to think..?? : :D
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By qarrar
Zahra.. wrote:Hey.. why is sooo quiet in here?? :oops: Shud I juss give the answer??Or u people still want to think..?? : :D
Well I have already given one correct answer, so I guess people haven’t the strength to toil for another, just spill it out.
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By Zahra..
Oh well.. How unfortunate.. Anyway the answer i was looking for was Kilabiyya.. Thats the tribes name from which Hazrat Abbas's mother originated..

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By qarrar
This time I have found a real rock for you. Anyone who can crack this deserves some respect, so I think at-least. :roll:

Thalabi in his Tafsir writes that the Holy Prophet (saw) said to Imam Ali (as):

"The worst of men in the days gone by were those who killed the she camel of Salih. The worst men among the present generation are those who will slay you."

What was the name of the person who killed the she camel Salih?
By Sabiha
What was the name of the person who killed the she camel Salih?
The she camel sent by Allah in the time of prophet Salih was actually killed by all the disbeleivers of the tribe of Thamud. The basics of this issue are that allah sent this camel and orderd the people of thamud to let it roam freely and to be good to it. They were resentful that the camel was drinking up alltheir water, so they hatched a plan to kill the camel. For this, a woman called Saduq the daughter of mahya offered herself to "Masrai Ibn Mahraj" if he hamstrug the camel, Aniza offered her daughter to "Qudar Ibn Saluf" in return for killing the camel.

Masari peirced the camel in the leg with an arrow, and Qudar struck the She camel with a sword on her other leg, then peirced it with his sword.

Three days after this an earthquake struck and rendered all the disbeleivers dead!!!!!
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