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Shaykh Muhammad Kamran has been pursuing Islamic Studies at Al Mustafa International University Qom since 2012 and has specialized in the areas of Fiqh and Usool. He also holds a degree in Accounting. He is currently serving as the Head of Academics for the Hussayni Madressa Dar es Salaam.

Moderator: KamranAli

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By Insaan
My mother passed away in Ramadhan and she wasn’t fasting because she wasn’t well.
My questions are:
1. Do I pay the fidya of the days she was alive?
2. Do I have to give zakaatul fitra of her share?
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By KamranAli
Ruling 2075 [from Persian Taudhihul Masail]: If a person does not fast during the month of Ramadan due to illness and his illness lasts until the month of Ramadan of the following year, it is not obligatory on him to make up the missed fasts in such a way that he was not able to fast any time during the year; However, after the arrival of Ramadan of next year, he must give one mud (approximately 750 grams) of food, ie wheat or barley or bread, and similar to the poor for each fast, which is called fidya, and its payment before the arrival of next Ramadan is not correct.
1) Because his mother died before the arrival of next Ramadhan therefore there is no Fidya on her.
2) Fitra becomes wajib on a alive person at the time of sunset (ghurūb) on the eve of Eid al-Fitr. So a person who dies before it then there is no Fitra on him.
مسأله ۲۰۷۵. اگر انسان به علّت بیماری، روزه ماه رمضان را نگیرد و بیماری او تا ماه رمضان سال بعد طول بكشد، به گونه‌‌ای که در تمامی ایام سال نتواند روزه بگیرد، قضای روزه‏هایی را كه نگرفته بر او واجب نیست؛ ولی پس از فرا رسیدن ماه رمضان سال بعد، باید برای هر‌روز یک مُدّ (تقریباً 750 گرم) طعام یعنی گندم یا جو یا نان و مانند اینها به فقیر بدهد که آن را فدیه سالانه هم می‌نامند و پرداخت آن قبل از فرا رسیدن ماه رمضان سال بعد، صحیح نیست.

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