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Shaykh Muhammad Kamran has been pursuing Islamic Studies at Al Mustafa International University Qom since 2012 and has specialized in the areas of Fiqh and Usool. He also holds a degree in Accounting. He is currently serving as the Head of Academics for the Hussayni Madressa Dar es Salaam.

Moderator: KamranAli

By BatoolM

If I have cash at home that I'm not using and I give it to a friend to invest in their business, with the agreement that they will share a portion of the profits with me, is that right?

Hadith of the day

Imam Ali ibn Musa [a] said Imam Reza (a.s) narrat[…]

Wiladat of Lady Zainab A.S

Bibi Zainab (A S) is known for her remarkable qual[…]

Short tafsir on Suratul Faatir (The Originator ) -[…]

Hadith of the day

Imam Sadiq (A.S.)‏ اطْلُبُوا الْعِلْمَ وَ تَز[…]

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