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An elderly woman (60 year old) suffers from high blood pressure for which she has been prescribed repace 50. She also has borderline cholesterol.

Her pressure remains high even after taking repace 50. She has been taking repace 50 for the last 3+ years.

What should she do to control her pressure and her cholesterol to acceptable levels.
High blood pressure is a chronic condition, usually progressive and so the medications that one has been prescribed may not necessarily help the person after a few years. There is usually a need to increase the dose or medications. But this all depends on various other factors since treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension) is not simple, every patient has his own treatment regime.

In her case, I would suggest getting some tests done for her. Sometimes, the blood pressure remains high due to other conditions that are going on in the body. So check her liver, kidney and heart particularly and depending on all this, a proper treatment plan can be made for her.

For cholesterol, normally a drug called "statin" is prescribed to patients, but again try and get the above things checked first so as to treat the lady as a whole and not in parts.

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