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By Insaan
When a baby urinates on mattress, we normally clean with wet towel and let it dry. Does it become paak. If not how do we clean it. Someone told me we need to pour water as much as possible until urine is out but i don't think this is practical as it will not dry in one day.

Also before cleaning urine (the place is already dry) and if something dry touches it does it become najis ?
Hadith of the day

Imam Ali ibn Musa [a] said Imam Reza (a.s) narrat[…]

Wiladat of Lady Zainab A.S

Bibi Zainab (A S) is known for her remarkable qual[…]

Short tafsir on Suratul Faatir (The Originator ) -[…]

Hadith of the day

Imam Sadiq (A.S.)‏ اطْلُبُوا الْعِلْمَ وَ تَز[…]

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