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Sheikh Saqalain Abbas will be answering your questions posted in this forum.

Moderators: Syed Kazim, Muhammad Mahdi

with all due respect,i would like to suggest Sh.Thaqalain to lead Jamaat prayer at a little faster pace possibly without the "lullaby style''
At times some people especially older generation cannot stay for a long time in Jamaaá due to health reasons and therefore lose the rewards of joining in such prayers.
Besides,we have examples from the Mujtahideen in Iran/Iraq as to how they lead the Jamaaá!
This is just a suggestion and doesnt in anyway meant to offend our Shaikh.
I believe there should be a time frame given to the sheikh who leads the Friday sermon/prayers. For instance here in Stanmore jamaat 45 minutes is the time frame i calculate for the khutba with both salaah to finish.

Sheikh has been unable to post here the last few days due to his busy schedule but has requested me to inform everyone that he is reading the questions and post and shall inshallah post replies as soon as he can.

He has requested me to post a response to your request. He is very happy for the feedback and would like to encourage more feedback from all momineen so as to be able to better serve the community.

He, some time ago, on similar request from certain members of the jamaat, slightly sped up his namaaz by leaving out many mustahabbat. However, several elserly members complained that with the faster pace its harder for them to keep up.

He has been trying to be as fast as he can while ensuring that the ahkam
And wajibat of namaaz are properly executed.

The recitation style is what helps him to ensure the qirat is executed with the correct makharij, which is a wajib part of prayer.

He would also like to point out that his namaaz-e-jamaat is faster than that of Dr. Alidina's.
Zaheer wrote:I believe there should be a time frame given to the sheikh who leads the Friday sermon/prayers. For instance here in Stanmore jamaat 45 minutes is the time frame i calculate for the khutba with both salaah to finish.
I believe there is a time frame agreed upon. I think its from the time of adhan till 1:30pm
Ahsant Jazakallah!
May be we can borrow a leaf from the recitation style of :-
Ayatullah Nasser Makarim Shirazi at this link

Ayatullah Ali Khamenei at this link

Namaaz as per what I belief should not have a lullaby style as we have to submit ourselves to Allah (swt) and so our voices should be humble and composed so as to humiliate ourselves in front of Allah(swt).
This is my opinion and I might be wrong!
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