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Sheikh Saqalain Abbas will be answering your questions posted in this forum.

Moderators: Syed Kazim, Muhammad Mahdi

In regard to this, i Have got a question... If there are no islamic banks to deposit your money. and you have no other choice to deposit your money to the banks which gives interest... i know its harraam i don't want to use that money at all... is it allowed to gig away this interest money to donation such like cancer hospital.

I mean to say, if we aren't allowed this money, is it allowed on to give away as donation. is it allow the receivers to take the donation money which was from our interest just because we dint want to use?
w salaam wr wb
yes there are two types of interest haram and halal. Haram interest is like between two Muslim or when a muslim gives to non Muslim and halal interest is between Muslim and non Muslim when he takes from non Muslim and between father and son and some other kinds .
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