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By Insaan

Is hijab necessary to be:

1. black
2. plain (not shiny or stylish)
3. a covering in addition to normal clothes

aren't the following ok as hijab?

1. kurto salwar with long sleeves
2. cardigan?
3. long sleeved tshirt and pants or jeans?
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
I shall try to answer your question from the Qur'an, ahadith, and the laws derived from them from the masaa'il of Agha Seestani (May Allah grant him a long life).

Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an:
1. "And tell believing women to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity, and not to display their charms except what may ordinarily appear thereof. Let them draw their head-coverings over their bosoms and not display their charms to any but...(list of mahrams here) Let them not swing their legs in walking so as to draw attention to their hidden charms." 24:31

From this verse we know that Hijab includes (i) A head covering.
(ii) The head covering must cover the bosom/chest.
(iii) They must not display any adornments
(Yes, this includes make-up, colored contacts and anything else that is considered an adornment)
(iv) Women must not walk in a way that will draw attention to what is covered.
(v) By inference, the hijab itself must not draw attention to that which is covered.

On to another verse:
2. "O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their Jilbaab over their bodies. That will be better, that they shall be known and not harmed..." 33:59

This verse gives us another requirement of Hijab. That is, it needs to be a "jilbaab", which is an Arabic word meaning (vi) An over-covering, a cloth worn over another cloth such as an abaya, I mention abaya and not a cardigan because students of the Arabic language and culture know that in the Arabic language of the Prophet, Jilbaab is the outer sheet which covers the entire body. A piece of cloth which is too small to cover the entire body could not be called Jilbaab.

As for the ahadith, there are several that attest to the above, but I'd like to present a couple that add to the criteria above. They are as follows:
1. It was narrated from Aishah that her sister Asma entered upon the Prophet (saww) while wearing thin clothing, so he turned away from her and said, “O Asma! Indeed when a woman reaches puberty, it is not proper that anything should be shown except this and this,” and he pointed to his face and hands.

From this we derive that the material used (vii) must not be thin and transparent and that (viii) only the hands and face may be left to show and everything else including the feet must be covered.

2. Usamah ibn Zayd said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) gave me a thick Egyptian garment that was one of the gifts given to him by Duhyat al-Kalbi, and I gave it to my wife to wear. He said, ‘Why do I not see you wearing that Egyptian garment?’ I said, ‘I gave it to my wife to wear.’ He said, ‘Tell her to wear a gown underneath it, for I am afraid that it may describe the size of her bones.’”

3. It has also been narrated that the Prophet (saw) said "In the latest part of my Ummah there shall be women who would be naked in spite of being dressed, they have their hair high like the humps of the Bukht camel, curse them, for they are cursed.They will not enter Al-Jannah and would not even perceive its odour, although it's fragrance can be perceived from a distance of 500 years traveling by camel"

From the last two ahadith, we have learned that hijab needs to be worn in such a way that (ix) it does not describe our shape and size and we should not appear naked even though we are technically clothed. It also makes me question the use of the kuku/cuckoo pin that's so popular with the young girls these days. Its sole purpose is to make you look like you have a hump on your head.

In addition to the above, Agha Seestani (May Allah bless him with a long life) is of the opinion that the face may be left uncovered but that (x) the chin is not a part of the face and it must be covered.

So to answer your questions:
1. It does not appear to be mentioned anywhere that the hijab must be black, but it must be simple/minimally decorated so as to not attract attention.
2. Kurta salwaars with long sleeves are NOT hijab even if they are loose, because they are not a Jilbaab. The dupatta of a kurta salwaar may be said to be one by some, but as we have seen above, the a Jilbaab is a full outer covering, and must cover the entire body. Dupattas, as a rule, cover the upper half, at most.
3. A cardigan is out, for the same reasons as above.
4. A long sleeves shirt and pants or jeans. Same as above. But jeans deserve a special mention. Agha Seestani has mentioned jeans specifically and said that they are NOT hijab. (And before you ask, it was in a personal conversation so there is no written evidence I can present here.)

To add to that, the following do not meet the above-mentioned criteria of hijab either:
1. I've noticed these chadars being worn for about a year now...with stretchy material that clings to the body, even when the chadar itself is loose. Anything that shows the shape of the body is not hijab.
2. Tiny head-scarves or shailas that cover the head but not the chest.
3. The use of a kuku/cuckoo pin is questionable and best avoided.

I found a few ahadith narrated as saying a woman must also not use any perfume when leaving the house, and if she does so and a na-mahram man can smell her, she is counted an adulteress. There is a thread or two on the forum that discusses this topic, I believe, here, http://ask.or.tz/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=2 ... ume#p15689 and here http://ask.or.tz/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1 ... it=perfume

And one more verse that gives us guidance, knowing that hijab is a barrier of all sorts, not just a physical covering:
"...if you have Taqwa, then do not be complaisant in your speech, lest he in whose heart is a sickness should aspire, and speak honourable words." (33:32)

This tells us that women should not speak softly to men, because some of them may aspire to evil deeds given the slightest encouragement. Women must also not speak any foul words that may have the same effect on men. These is what Allah requires of us in the way of modesty.
Last edited by Fatimah Zahra Karim on 09 Aug 2012, 16:52, edited 1 time in total.
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By Insaan
:D thanks

I am just confused about one thing. If color is not mentioned, does that mean that an abaya of any color can be worn. white, blue, purple and so on?

Or would color be disqualified based on it being an adornment that attracts attention?
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By Moonbeam
A really good answer Fatimah Zahra! [up]

I always feel like asking women today whether they think their chadar needs another chadar on top to cover its attractiveness! Seriously!

Insaan, perhaps you have answered your qstn yourself :D
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By abuali
Allow me to add my two cents to this small but valuable discussion:

Does that mean that so many women in Dar es Salaam who do not wear the jilbab, and their Husbands/Fathers/Brother are ignorant about the jilbab being wajib?

Or are they knowledgeable but do not mind committing this sin openly?

Posted with TouchBB on my iPhone
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
Interesting question Hasin. I think it's a mixture and neither women nor their male relatives know that a jilbab is a requirement. But the way our community has become over the past few years, I don't think they'd care, even if they knew. Sad, isn't it?
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By qamar
or because in schools jilbabs have to be removed thats why everyone thinks its ok
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By Muhammad
MashaAllah excellent post Sis. Fatema Zahra.
Qamar, what school are you referring to? I have been to Aga Khan all my life so I do not know what is the situation in Al Muntazir schools. Is it a requirement or it is by choice?
If it is a requirement then Sh. Shahnawaz would be the best person to approach, if it is by choice then... well.. reminders to our sisters.
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By sadika
In shaaban Robert they do not allow wearing of chadar in class
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By Insaan
i studied at al muntazir n as to how much i know wearing chaddar in al muntazir is not allowed as to we are required to be in uniform during school time
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By sadika
so hw do students in almis n srss or akmss do hijab when thy r required to wear the uniform n no other extra cover?
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By Sh.SaqalainAbbas
salaam un alaiaku wr wb

hijab means woman should cover (with any simple and non attractive in any color thing like chadar, burqa.abaya, long and thick cloths even with any dress but can be said jilbab which prevents to show her shapes of bodies from head to feet ) her all body from non mahram (those whom can be married with her according to shariya ) except face which is required to wash obligatory in wodo (it is mustahab to cover their face) and hands till wrist

even woman has to avoid intentionally from every thing which can excite the nonmahram (like adornment perfume, attractive colors and make up)

and for man it is necessary to cover his private parts(from navel to knees) from nonmahram (those whom can be married with them according to shariya )

man has to avoid intentionally from every thing which can excite the nonmahram with gazing eyes and controlling sexual desires and purification of heart

hope will be beneficial insha Allah

w salaam
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