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What if theres no other option but to abort the baby??

Posted: 10 Jan 2005, 00:34
by Zahra..
Salaam Alaykum..
If a girl has been isnt her fault..neither is it the baby's..if she keeps the will ruin her respect n her dignity..if she doesnt she gets gunaah..what can she do in this case???

Posted: 10 Jan 2005, 00:41
by abuali
Alaykum Salaam Zahra

Recently we have been discussing the same issue in one of the forums at Ask!

Just incase you havent seen it, have a look at it below

hope it helps...

do ask if you still have more doubts

Re: What if theres no other option but to abort the baby??

Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 15:39
by fsl96

Unfortunately. things like raping still takes place. Agreed that its not the girls fault, neither the childs fault. since the girl is stuck between these two options. that if she aborts she gets gunnah and if she lives with the child, she doesn't have the respect and the dignity around her.

thats a far away thought. for now just think what would you want, the respect from common people by aborting the child whose not at fault or remaining in that society, without any burden/gunnah/sin aborting the child.

the decision lies in that person. because the respect and dignity won't last longer.
Hope helps it out.

Re: What if theres no other option but to abort the baby??

Posted: 29 Sep 2013, 21:34
by Sh.SaqalainAbbas
salaam un alaikum wr

answer according to fatwa of grand ayat o Allah Syed Ali Hussaini sistani :it is not allowed to do that, except if the continuation of the pregnancy would harm her health or put her in an unbearable difficulty.