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By Esm'ail
Asalamalaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
I heard that in Islam, an Illegitimate child is not allowed to inherit any fortune from his/her parents.
Well, I don't understand why should it be like that, cuz its not the child's fault that he/she is illegitimate right!
According to our faithful religion, ALLAH(swt) says that, no one is responsible for anyone's sins, whether it be ur father or mother. But if u say that an Illegitimate child is not allowed to inherit part of his parents fortune, then ur blaming the child for his/her illegitimacy which I think its the same as saying the child is responsible for his/her parents sin(Adultery). Which to my opinion its not right.
Cuz if the child ends being a maskin(poor person), that means he will be paying for something he didn't commit(cuz he is not allowed to inherit any fortune)[/quote]

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