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Have you ever climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro?

Yes I have. Cant wait to do it again!
Yes I have. Never want to hear of it again!
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No I haven't. Would love to do it though!
No I haven't. And I'd rather not. I can well admire it from pictures :)
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By Umm.aly

This topic is dedicated to all Kilimanjaro fans! I am sure we have quite a few members who have been up on the mountain, it would be great to hear your experiences. We also have a Mt. Kilimanjaro Guru here Abuali, so aspiring climbers can fire away questions to him!

For those of you who have been there, and never want to go again ( :confused: ) do share your grievances here :D We can counsel you to want to go again :biggrin:

Looking forward to some Kili Craziness!
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By Moonbeam

It is definitely an experience of a lifetime (lol do I make it sound like going for hajj?). But u really do end up remembering Allah quite a bit :D

The nature and beauty of the mountain is unparalleled. I have been up twice with different routes Marangu and rongai. Both are scenic and beautiful, rongai being of harsher terrain and beauty.

You really end up realizing how much one takes for granted down here in our normal lives. Especially the washrooms :biggrin:

Have yet to reach the peak though! They say the third time is the charm so waiting to go back for a third attempt sometime later in life [up] inshallah..
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