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When I grow up I am going to be ...an Accountant? a Doctor? a Pharmacist? a Programmer? This is the place to tell us about your choice and the reasons for your choice, and to seek advice from others.

Moderator: Syed Kazim

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By Muntazir
Bismillahi Ar-Rahmani, Ar-Rahim
(I begin by the name of the Almighty, the most Munificent, and the most Compassionate)

As-Salaamun Alaikum.

In today’s era, we waste so much time indulging ourselves in this materialistic world that will one day be a burden on us. We build a dangerous relationship with this world that makes us selfish, proud, jealous, rude, and most of all, destroys our faith in God.

Islam is a religion that teaches us every single aspect of our life, its importance, our duties, our rights, truth, and so much more. Then why don’t we take it seriously and follow what we're supposed to? We deliberately let go of the chances and accept to be the worst of losers on the last day to come. How can we fail to walk on the right path, the path of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)

It’s time we realize what the truth is, and to start a quick move. Let’s give each other some ideas, plan something constructive for Islam, rise and walk together on the only true path. Let’s reveal our ideas and be serious.

May Allah give us the Tawfiq to restrain our selves from committing sins, to follow the right path, to be the best of our ummah, and to practice our imaan and nafs purely, ameen.
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By Muntazir
As Salaamun Aleykum

It’s shocking! I expected more replies on this topic than any. This is exactly what I had in mind. Our youths are not interested in Islamic knowledge, not at all. I wonder what would happen to this community in the next few years!?

Let’s talk about how Islamic Education is important for every youth, especially in this era. How should one organize his educational background if one wants to acquire Islamic knowledge? Do we need Scholars? Why don’t we have youth research centers? Why our youths are not religiously active? Do we leave everything and depend on Africa Federation our whole lives? Let us discuss these issues. Bring forth your topic and ask questions so that we can come to understand what we need for this community in the next few years to come, and how?!

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By Muntazir
As Salaamun Aleykum

Since there are no responses from the opposite side, I would like to call upon those youths who would like to study in Qum, but have no relevant information on the whole.

I’m currently a Talabeh (Student) in one of the Hawza’s in Qum. My experience has given me a wide hope for studying Islam, especially in the Holy city of Qum. There’s a lot I can share with somebody who would be interested. So, don’t hesitate to ask anything you would like to know about Qum.

F.A.Q are on: Education, Life, Marriage, Fees, Transportation, Uniform, Teachers, Application, Duration, Income, Housing, Food, Secular Knowledge, etc.

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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam Muntazir

Thanks for starting this topic...I believe it will e of help to many people as the least it will do is let them know the option is there.

As regards Islamic Knowledge...it is an individual duty of each on of us to attain it. As for as the Usool-e-Deen are concerned, its a personal duty to research and get to know everything about them.

Imam Ali (as) wrote to Salman al Farsi (ra) : To continue, surely, the likeness of this world is that of a snake: it is soft to touch, and deadly poisonous. The ignorant child is distracted by it, and the one with understanding and intellect is cautious of it. So turn away from what fascinates you in it, for how little of it stays with you.

Unfortunately most of us are distracted by this world and spend almost no time gaining knowledge (please note that formal secular education is not neccessarily equal to knowledge and when it does result in gaining knowledge it is not necessarily sufficient) that shall be the tool for our salvation in barzakh and the hereafter for us.

Muntazir...please share with us the general FAQs for the benefit of those who read and let me know your ideas as to the youth research you were talking about.
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By Tayyaba
Salaam Aalaikum...

Yes true we youth are so narrow minded and laid back..!!
about studin in Qum ...i was there just for a month and learnt allot from there ...if any ladies would like info as to the hawza's over there i have some info if u intrested ...!
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By Muntazir
As Salaamun Aleykum

Thank you very much for the beautiful Hadith brother Hasin.

I would love to write everything about Qum, my whole experience in the Holy city, and the life in Hawza. However, I would rather prefer being approached with all sorts of questions rather than writing a whole essay on the topic.

The reason being is, everyone have different views on Qum, the Islamic Education in the Holy city, the life in Hawza, Fees, Self financing in all different ways, Income, Self dependant, Work, etc. and for me it would be very difficult to explain everything at once. Therefore, I strongly request all those who are seriously interested, or still thinking about it, to post your questions or contact me personally. However, it would be best if we discuss it here so other may get the little knowing.

Lastly, I would like all the sisters to take the advantage of this kind offer by our Sister Tayyabah. Thank you very much sister. May He, the most High, keep you strong with Imaan.

Thank you.


Muntazir Al Mahdi
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By Tayyaba
Muntazir what made you want to study Islamic studies and go to Iran??
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By Muntazir
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

“Surely [as for] those who believe and do good, they shall have gardens.” (85:11)

“Allah will exalt those of you who believe, and those who are given knowledge, in high degrees.” (58:11)

“Except such as repent and believe and do good, these shall enter the Garden.” (19:60)

“And they say: we believe in Allah in the Apostle and we obey.” (24:47)

“Allah, there is no God but He; and upon Allah, then, let the believers rely.” (64:13)

“[As for] those who believe and do good, a good final state will be theirs and a goodly return.” (13:29)

Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers and who keep aloof from what is vain.” (23:1-3)

As Salaamu ‘aleykum

“A very simple and easy question that a person could ask, but it could be very difficult to answer and explain and to make the other person understand until or unless the person tries to understand him/herself, experiences it, or feels the same way.”

“Where there is truth, there is a great Jihad!”

“Where there is Worldly pleasure, there’s a total loss!”

Allah (s.w.a) gave me so much to keep me happy, and he never deprived me of his blessings, then how could I not appreciate Him and obey his commands? I believe all of us have responsibilities, and maybe this is what Allah (s.w.a) chose me for. Every single thing in this life, the life before and the life hereafter happens for a reason that we human beings fail to understand and to appreciate. We need to put a little effort to see His wonders. We have become Satan’s pray, and we still bow to this ugly creature Allah (s.w.a) has created from the ugliest of the ugliest fire that shall as well be put into Hell fire at the end of his time. So then why don’t we seek for the truth?

I feel this is an important role for me, for my parents and my family, to my community and to all the people who used to be around me for so many years, to this world and the life hereafter, and most importantly in the eyes of His, the Master, the Lord, the Creator, the Ar-Rahman, and the Ar-Rahim.

Thinking to start of a new life with a complete different manner, where could someone think of the best apart from being so close to where our Imam’s are located?

Live the life of the Ahlul Bayt, feel their presence and feel their love. What is the best thing in this world than being so close to our Holy Prophet and our beloved Imams, to feel their love deep within, to feel their laughter, to feel their pain, and to shed tears along with their great sacrifice for Islam. What else could somebody ask for?

If you believe in Allah (s.w.a.), certainly the place you’ll return to shall be safe.

Prosperity by Allah (s.w.a) is the fruit of faith, and the fruit of faith is yearning for the eternal world (hereafter).

Man is assessed through his faith. Surely faith is security.

Death is indeed of great benefit for he who covers his heart with faith and piety.

There is no dignity higher than faith.

Surely Islam needs faith, faith necessities conviction and the faith is in need of sincerity.

Ayatullah Sheykh Muhammad Taqi Behjat said something really beautiful. He said “Everyday, read, understand and memorize one Hadith and put practice to it. You will then see a big change in yourself after exactly a year and you will realize what this life is about and how important Islam is. Wow! This is very true my dear brothers and sisters. Try doing this and you will see a big change. Any time you read a book and come across a Hadith, write it down on a special book in which you will be collecting all the Hadiths and practice it. You will see a great change in yourself after a period of time and you will as well have a collection of your own Hadiths which could be a great use for your friends, children and family. You could as well publish it so that other people could benefit from it.

The Holly Qur’an says, “Surely, Allah (s.w.a) loves those who trust.” (3:159)

“And on Allah should you rely if you are believers.” (5:23)

I hope I answered your question sister.

May Allah (s.w.a) continue to shower His blessings on all the Mo’mins.

Peace and blessings be upon all of you.

As Salaamu ‘aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu
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By knowledgeseeker
Muntazir wrote:As Salaamun Aleykum

It’s shocking! I expected more replies on this topic than any. This is exactly what I had in mind. Our youths are not interested in Islamic knowledge, not at all. I wonder what would happen to this community in the next few years!?

Let’s talk about how Islamic Education is important for every youth, especially in this era. How should one organize his educational background if one wants to acquire Islamic knowledge? Do we need Scholars? Why don’t we have youth research centers? Why our youths are not religiously active? Do we leave everything and depend on Africa Federation our whole lives? Let us discuss these issues. Bring forth your topic and ask questions so that we can come to understand what we need for this community in the next few years to come, and how?!

Salaam ALaykum,
i would agree with you that Islamic education is important and if we, the yoths do not do anything, we will soon be lost. How ever I must say that in Dar there is not much opportunity for the youth, All of the guys sit out side the mosq. If they are forced inside the mosq by their parents than they might learn, but there is not encouragement, ONLY and ONLY Criticism for standing outside!!

ALso i must add, that the fact that following religion in Dar is so easy that we take it for granted. also , the fact that we only and only rely on madrassah - but most students just go there ''coz they have to!!'' there is no inspiration or any desire to learn. Once we graduate from madrassah we think we know enough about islam.. n thats where the problem starts!!!

Boys are given to much uhuru in Dar and girls' parents trust them too much - to n extent they dont even ask them the timing of their tuition!!! Ironical but true !!!

There are so many issues that need to be addressed to the youth in our community but nobody makes the effrot. the way the youth have been trained is to a degree sad!!! as they rely n their parents rather than friends - who obviously do not ve the right advice!!!

So you c the propbelm is not only the youth but the parents and the community for not proving opportunities to the youth!!!
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By Tayyaba
i noticed that when shahid biltistani had come so many youths were in mosq because of him, so we need such role model types of ppl to pull the youth to islam. e.g Amar Nakshwani.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Tayyaba wrote:i noticed that when shahid biltistani had come so many youths were in mosq because of him, so we need such role model types of ppl to pull the youth to islam.
The youths who were there were taking his pictures!
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By Tayyaba
but it was good they were atleast IN :wink:
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By Muntazir
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

اسلام عليكم

إن شاء الله you will find what you're looking for on the following link about studying in Qom.


Let me know if this is helpful?
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By knowledgeseeker
Tayyaba wrote:but it was good they were atleast IN :wink:
did they learn anyting or were the girls just going to stare at him like with Sayed Bahrul Ulooom ?? I know many girls who just fancied him n thts why they went to the majlis n they were giggling all the time.. not only do they not learn but they do not let others hear as well..
Being In does not imply that they learnt anything... just they could be ganging up inside instead !!
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By Muntazir
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

As Salaamu 'aleykum

Our Principal in the Hawza has Introduced an Online Studying for students who are looking forward to study Islamic Studies but cannot travel to Iran for their personal reasons.

Please visit my site to get connected through: http://muntazirj.spaces.live.com/
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