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When I grow up I am going to be ...an Accountant? a Doctor? a Pharmacist? a Programmer? This is the place to tell us about your choice and the reasons for your choice, and to seek advice from others.

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By Nayaab
Hey...Salaams..ive become a stranger to ASK, all credit goes to muhimbili!
Muntazir, in response to your post..When making up your mind as to what career to choose, dont think way too much about it..u stress out. Its a known fact that most people in the world, successful ppl, have changed their field atleast thrice before settling down...and it happens to all of us.
If you're really serious about takin your art into your career, its very possible but not locally. If you're prepared to go abroad and do it, ill be happy to help you look for colleges/unis as i was in the States myself. Im back home and in Muhimbili right now doing my DDR (Diploma in Diagnostic Radiography) first year.
You mentioned that you liked first aid, and helping out people. Medicine is a far reach for many people, although its more scary than it actually is. You could think about becoming a Medical Officer...its not becoming a doctor and it gets done in...2 years max if im not mistaken.
Let me know if you need any help. I'd be glad to.
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By Muntazir
It was really kind of you, there are only a few people who care about others and you are one of them who cared about someone you really dont even know, thanks buddy.

Anyways, as you said about the Medical Officer, i would like to know further about it. It will be a pleasure to wait for your response.
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By Sayyeda
Salaams Muntazir,

Well my bro Sameer always shows me his art book (esp the pics you've drawn) :) lol

Since you basically want to choose either of the two (to do with arts, or the medical field) I suppose it shouldn't be a veryyy big issue to deal with. I remember when I was to choose between science and arts for form 3 and 4, I had made a list of careers I would want to take up in either field... hehe! and I finally got into accounts and I guess it was a wise decision!

Anyway, whatever you want to be... you can. As a saying goes, "If you want to be what you want to be, be what you want to be... And to be what you want to be, believe in what you want to be!!!".

But as Nayaab suggested, don't stress yourself out about it. But its also kinda neccessary that you make your decision as fast as you can (you could save up your years).

Anyway, I wish you all the best! :)
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By Nayaab
No thanks here man, im just glad to be of some help. Sorry to say but i dont have too much info about the Medical Officer thingi. You might want to find out online on kcmc.ac.tz or something like that..thats for kcmc...and i will try to find out about any program locally.
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By Nayaab
Regarding the Medical Officer thingi, Muhimbili does not offer it. But their branch in Kibaha does. And it is a three year course..and you achieve a diploma at the end. You could probably even look into places like Makerere in Uganda..its really good..
As from next year, Muhimbili will start offering Radiation Therapy courses at the Ocean Road Cancer Institute. All classes will be held there. They will also start some courses on Ultrasonography. These are extremely good fields and have a LOT of demand...especially Radiation Therapy. As soon as i get some more information on them, i will let u know.
Also, this is to let all interested people know that application forms for Muhimbili are out and will be due sometime early next year. They are available at the registrar's office. If you need any help getting there, let me know.
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By changing-muslim
Salaam un Alaykum,

Nayaab, If I am not mistaken, you gave a short talk on your career pursuit at the Almis career programme. It was quite interesting, but well, in your last post and also in your talk you mentioned health related feilds. Well it all sounds good to pursue, but isn't there a problem when it comes down to employment esp in dar. I mean we dont really have so many hospitals esp those with facilities to accomodate these feilds. So wouldn't it really be worthless persuing them without a Job Market to support it later?? Besides Medicine is also something I have always dreamt of doing, but well, its quite challangeing, and well many have mentioned the commitment it needs. Besides, medicine, in this country does it really have prospect, unless you open your own clinic, even then what garanutee is there that it will work out? Since so many doctors are graduating from muhimbili. Anyways at present, I have an option for both Arts and Science, although i feel in Dar art( as in business) is more liekly to work out for a better prospected future. It however all changes if you go abroad! Please feel Free to contradict me..
P.s: Forgive me for all the spelling mistakes! Its something i just cant avoid!
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By Nayaab
Alaykum Salaam,
I appreciate your presence at the seminar!
I did mention quite a lot of fields that can be pursued. You're right, there isnt a lot of job employment in TZ, hopefully in the future there will be.
One of the fields that do have employment prospects, especially if u specialize is Radiography, which is what im doing. (I dont need to talk about it all again since u were there :)
Approximately 200 students graduate from Muhimbili (medicine) each year. The demand is still maintained because the majority of those graduates go inland/upcountry to the little village hospitals and therefore there is a constant demand. Ofcourse, if you dont just stop at a GP but go ahead and specialize, there is HUGE demand for that. There is a LOT in which u can specialize once u've become a doctor. It is challenging, but i think there's soo much information u're gaining and its so easy for u to apply that information to everyone around u, it becomes very very interesting (to me atleast!) THe guy who had talked about medicine during the seminar mentioned ethics, they play a big role..depends on whether u're doing this for the difference u can make in ppl's lives or the money u can make ;) if u're doing it for the money, then u're probably gonna say "when on earth am i gonna finish????" but otherwise its just fine :)
The arts field in Dar is glamorous at the moment because there arent enough ppl in the field but the number of professionals is increasing at a great rate. Medicine's prospect is not very obvious because it is considered a necessity. That necessity brings about the demand. Ppl cant do without u! The general public believes that there isnt a high demand because there arent too many professionals as yet, but sometime near in the future, there is suddenly going to be too many medical professionals (hopefully!) and this field is going to be equally hot.
Are you a secondary school student? I dont understand how u have a choice of both science and arts.
Hope i helped out somehow. Im open to contradictions :) theres many!
By xx_atika_xx
Assalamun Alaiykum,

Being a fairly new member, I might be a little delayed in replying to your message.
Having been there and done it, all I can advise you is do YOUR HOMEWORK! In this sense, research the career choices out there! Being aware of what's available only makes it easier to know WHATS GOING TO WORK FOR YOU!

Any feasible career database can be the answer. The internet has a vast and extensive existances of these databases, just brush up on your google skills. Seek help from Career counsellors. They might be able to guide you and help you explore your choices. If you can, KUDOS might be a good start to look into especially for anyone suffering from those 'mind blanks'.

Your mention of computer and art, brought up the following possibilites which I had encountered during my own search, during those haydays!

1. Medical Illutrator
2. 3-D Design
3. Graphic Design
4. Multimedia Design - Using graphics, text, sound and animation to design CD's, DVD's and Websites
5. Illustrator
6. Animator - With the increasing demand and progess in multimedia, there is great scope out there. You may have noticed that even the local channels are picking up the vibes!
7. Website Designer
8. Design engineering.

You can also look at the prospects of : Furniture, textile or Interior Desgin.

When I was researching for my field, I came up with a relatively new field called BIOINFORMATICS. It involves solving biological problems using statistical date, computer technology and applied mathematics. The recent trend and focus is also on the decoding of the human genome. There are a few but well established universiities offering this in the UK. I cant comment on its availability in any other country. It would be worth reading up on!

If you are medically inclined and want to be part of the clinical environment, you might want to look into the numerous Allied Health professions out there. They come with a range of interests and work options and theres a whole list just for the technologically oriented lot. J

Just in case I might be talking jargon, Allied health professional courses can include speech and language therapy, Occupational therapy, Podiatry, Orthopist, Optometry, Audiology, Physiotherapy, Psyschology, Microbiologist, ......Therapeutic radiography....Diagnostic Radiography (which I am currently pursuing) .....the list goes on...and yea..Nuclear physics! (It is awesome stuff, especially the equipment!)

You can also look into pure biology, biomedics and related fields.

At the end of the day, while peers, family, counsellors do affect your decision a whole lot...its still all about YOU, and the fact that no one can TELL YOU what to do, but simply help you but putting up the options. Its not rocket science to figure out the fact that you are the only one can make the final decision....that can work for you!

Best of luck with your future prospects!
Hope this helps!
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By changing-muslim

Thanks alot Nayaab and Atika (if that was specifically ment for me!!). Anyhow, your posts really open up alot more of a world out there then I was aware of! O yea I have very poor googling skills! Anyhow, Its all very well and informative and I thank you both.

As for Nayaab's qn, I did 10 subjects at O levels. I was at mzizma so as normal we do 9 subjects, and then I added Commerce to it all cause I think i was bored when I made that decision! Or something like that!

thanks once again guys,

By berry75
saleha wrote:so many at times.
V Oh please I do not think so.
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