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Ask! is a concept developed by youths in Dar es Salaam. Have your say in shaping the concept of Ask! Do you think its feasible to have an online youth community? How do you think it should be run? What should be discussed? Comments and critisicms also welcome apart from ideas.
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By Tayyaba
yeah man...we r 149 users and jus few have introduced themselves :?

c'mon ppl be a sport now... :lol:
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By Zahra..

Im Zahra Nagri from Dar-es-salaam.. Im currently doing form 4 (also known as hell :wink: hoping to pass with good results ).. at mzizima secondary school.. My hobbies are swimming..reading..travelling..chatting..playing sports (badminton, cricket, tennis, throwball, baseball)..collecting (stamps, shells, postcards, coins..n loadz more).. I also love making new friends..n meeting new people..
I think this a great idea..there could be so many people we know here but since the username consists of only the first name we might not recognise them...plus we could also get to know other people better!
I hope i din bore u guys..id love to hear from u people n make more friends!
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By Tayyaba
welcome to the forum zahra.. :D
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By Tayyaba
hey c'mon ppl .... we hae so many users in here howcome evryone is so shaant lol.. :lol:

say ur intrests and all!
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By Sadik 110
Salaams everybody.. :D

Inshallah you all are in the best of health, wealth and Iman. :)

Mashallah this forum is great. I just couldnt resist from introducing myself in here.. so here we go..

I am Sadik Fazal from Tanga, TZ. I am 20 and currently persuing a Specialization degree in Health Science together with a B.Sc in Biology and Psychology at Trent University in Ontario, Canada. Further, i wish to get into Dental Surgery, God willing.

What else do i do... err.. I am moderator of http://www.shiachat.com , a largest online shia community that you might want to consider being a part of. That's also where i found the link to this forum. Thanks to brother Hasin for posting it. :)

Hmm about my interests....

I love playing cricket, soccer and Int.volleyball as from the outdoor games.. Tabble tennis remains to be my favorite from the indoors. And yeah, not forgetting swimming!!!
I like river rafting and ice skating, too (still a learner, though. I almost broke my leg once :oops: hehe)

mm what else...Oh yeah, i love eating and sleeping :D (Trying to put on some weight here :wink: hehe)

Inspite of all of these, studies remains to be my first priority (Yeah right! :P )

As far as religion is concerned, i try to fulfill all the obligations and keep away from the unlawful acts by the grace of He who has control over my soul. :)

I also like to learn different languages, so far i speak Kachi, Gujrati, Hindi, Urdu, English and Swahili fluently.. well sometimes mixing up all together is much more fun :D. I also know few sentences from Spanish and Arabic. ANd a few words in German, Russian, and french. Hehe, i been living with all kinds of people around me for more thn 2 years.. So dont get surprized if i start throwing off words in chinese.. :wink: lol

mm wat else can i say about my interests... Oh yeah, I was wondering, did i mention Eating and sleeping??? :P

Nice knowing ya'll. Keep sharing more about yourself so that we get to know more of each other, Inshallah. Also, if any of you requires any info. pertaining what i'm involved in (Health Science/Dental in Canada), please dont hesitate to ask me, Inshallah will try be of help. :D


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By Mohdkazim
Good introduction of yourself Sadik, Keep it up TANGA LINE :lol:
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By Sadik 110
^ hehe, Jazaks bro. Cheers @ Tanga line :D

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By abuali
Salaams Sadik 110

Welcome to Ask!

Over the past few days I have been thinking of inviting some members of ShiaChat to come and join Ask! as they are much needed.

Knowing that you are a Moderator at ShiaChat, I feel that you will be in a better position, not only to pick and choose those who may be beneficial to Ask!, but you will also be in a better position to invite them to join Ask!

Can you manage to do so? Invite as many members whom you feel will be helpful to the progress of Ask!.

Some of my favourites are Sister Hajar, Brother Ali Imran, Brother Aba Abdillah.....
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By Aliyah
Salaamun alaykum

Well Iam Aliyah. Have just joined recently and now am a member of the ask family. Have completed O'levels and now teaching. Its good to know all of u.

May Allah bless u all

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By Sadik 110
Salaams brother Hasin,

Thanks for replying to my post.

I will be more than happy to invite members from ShiaChat.com to join us at Ask! :D

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By smak786110
Salaams everyone.
Let me start me start with thanking our brother Hasin who has done a great job in forming The Ask....(dunno where he got this great idea from??? Dreams maybe?? :P LOL!!!!

Afta tht my intro:
My name is Sadiq Khaki, hv finished my IGCSE o levels,done some courses including web designing and have already buildt my first web page which is http://www.atl.8k.com pls do visit it and pass me comments.
And other is on the way inshallah...
In religion well...ammm.....Let me put in this way "I am a changed shia youth" first was a bit out line..mind tht I was A BIT OUT LINE (not tht much out line :P :P ) ..nw al Hamdullillah have changed and m changing with all ur duaas..

As for my interest I dont like anything in this world coz its temporary (LOL)...... if u want to knw my interests in the hereafter than these are playing squash in the Heaven with angels ,Mobile phones produced in heaven, Computer games which are produced in Heaven :D ,and the most important Staying with Ahlul Bayt and getting close with Allah(s.w.t.)..... well....what else?? :roll:
anyone can ask me whatever wants to know, you know famous people like me are rare to find 8) 8) 8)
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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam Sadiq
Let me start me start with thanking our brother Hasin who has done a great job in forming The Ask....
All praise is due to Allah and Allah alone is worthy of praise. All that we can accomplish is only possible because Allah intends it to happen. Allah is the all good.

Apart from that, more gratitude is due to all the wonderful brothers and sisters (Musim and Non Muslim) who are members of Ask and keep it alive and breathing.
....(dunno where he got this great idea from??? Dreams maybe?? LOL!!!!
All great achievements and inventions do start of as Dreams dont they? :)

Well since this question has been raised, let me narrate the humble source of this idea.

The source of inspiration of Ask is non other than our mazloom Imam, Imam Hussain (AS).

It was during last Muharram (1425AH / 2004), when the youths had organized for the first time the Q&A Desks all along the Juloos route (for both KSIJ and Bilal). The same team had also organized a Q&A session at the mosque for gents and ladies during this time with the visiting and resident Mawlanas.

So many people turned up to ask questions. Especially ladies. And many questions went unanswered due to time constraint.

Thats when we realized that there was no permanent platform to not only get answers to ones questions, but also for discussions and interaction on various subjects.

Thats how the concept of Ask was formed. And the ayat of the Holy Quran that translates as 'Question the people of remembrance if you do not know' (21:7) is the inspiration behind the name Ask

We pray to Allah (SWT) to give prosperity and bless Ask and all its members and reward us by increasing our knowledge about Him. Rabbi zidni ilman.
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By kulsham
^^ That is imressive and Wonderful :applauds:

I am Shama Jaffer, Born and living in DSM. Hoping to make new friends here and to get informations whenever i am stuck..

:roll: umm... I like painting, sketching and DRawing :wink: (all 3 sound alike i guess) :lol:
I dont play any kind of sports..pretty lazy? no.. frightened of balls.. i cant catch a ball when it comes to volley ball, many chances to get a bone crack.. badminton? i will rather hurt my nose and move the wracket hitting the wind! Tennis? in dreams! basket ball? Did i say to step on me? so.. me and balls dont get along. . . swimming? i'd rather float or play splash rather then go for under water swimming, i keep losing my breath!
I am good in listening n giving advices, umm... serving volunteering..

nice meeting you all , thank you..
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By Sayyeda
I am Shama Jaffer, Born and living in DSM. Hoping to make new friends here and to get informations whenever i am stuck..

umm... I like painting, sketching and DRawing (all 3 sound alike i guess)
I dont play any kind of sports..pretty lazy? no.. frightened of balls.. i cant catch a ball when it comes to volley ball, many chances to get a bone crack.. badminton? i will rather hurt my nose and move the wracket hitting the wind! Tennis? in dreams! basket ball? Did i say to step on me? so.. me and balls dont get along. . . swimming? i'd rather float or play splash rather then go for under water swimming, i keep losing my breath!
I am good in listening n giving advices, umm... serving volunteering..

nice meeting you all , thank you..

Hahahaha :lol:

You sure do have a great sense of humour!!!

Welcome to the forum! :)

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