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This is the place to start new discussions and debate on topics that interest you.
Title Statistics Last post
General Religious Issues
Discuss general religious issues that affect all of us in our daily lives.
Subforums: All about Fasting & the month of Ramadhan, Muharram and the revolution of Kerbala, Inter-religious Dialogue, Hijab
545 Topics 
2993 Posts
by AnNisa
Ahlul Bayt
Birth Dates, Dates of Martydom, Causes of Martydom and the place of their graves. Not merely factual, but also discussions on their exemplary lives.
119 Topics 
350 Posts
by BatoolM
The Holy Qur'an
Anything and everything about the greatest miracle, The Holy Qur'an.
115 Topics 
368 Posts
by BatoolM
Islamic Sciences
Lessons and thoughts on Islamic Sciences by student(s) of Islam and discussions therein
Subforums: Introduction, Ahkaam (Fiqh/Jurisprudence), Aqaid (Islamic Theology), Akhlaaq/Irfaan (Islamic Ethics/Mysticism), Hadith (Traditions)
64 Topics 
162 Posts
Re: The Meaning of ‘Allah [t.…
by miskelleneousk
2 Topics 
3 Posts
Re: Tawakkul
by SukainaRoshan
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General Issues
This is the place to post articles on any issue which doesn not fit under any other category or forum
Subforums: Political Dissection and Injustice, Science and Technology
773 Topics 
4227 Posts
Attack on Gaza; a tragic mist…
by Urooj Abbas
Laughter the Best Medicine
The best place to come in and give your face muscles some exercise...
250 Topics 
1449 Posts
7 Up
by Salman1
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Family & Relationships
Relationships are a complex and sensitive emotional, social, and religious area. This forum is open for you to post your problems. You can post in this forum as a Guest, without logging in, if you dont want others to know who you are. Or you can pm 'hasin' the administrator, with the problem. If need be, a relevant scholar will be contacted (without him being given any names) so that we can get correct guidance.
Subforum: Marriage
96 Topics 
860 Posts
Re: Why is getting married co…
by SukainaRoshan
Health and Sports
With so many sporting activities that exist today, which is the ultimate sporting activity and why? Not forgetting health, which is also a closely related issue that should be amongst our top priorities.
Subforum: Kilimanjaro
86 Topics 
362 Posts
Re: Physical education
by SukainaRoshan
General Social Issues
Everything else that comes under the 'social' banner
Subforum: Evils and Vices
67 Topics 
453 Posts
Re: Anger- A vice of the Huma…
by SukainaRoshan
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Ask! is a concept developed by youths in Dar es Salaam. Have your say in shaping the concept of Ask! Do you think its feasible to have an online youth community? How do you think it should be run? What should be discussed? Comments and critisicms also welcome apart from ideas.
Subforum: Moderator Forum
23 Topics 
127 Posts
Nusrat Bukhari
by BatoolM
General Announcements
A place for members to place announcements of upcoming events & activities
885 Topics 
2077 Posts
What is dhawul'arz.. {M…
by BatoolM

Dahwul Arz Day - Day Of Earth’s Expansion It[…]

SAYING OF Holy Prophet (saw)

رسولُ اللهِ‏ِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ)[…]

Attack on Gaza; a tragic mistake ?

Israel attack on Rafah on 26th May 2024 was the de[…]


The month of Dhul-Qa`dah is the first of the Sacre[…]

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