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Re: Cameras inside Mpsque

 by Muhammad ¦  09 Dec 2011, 22:57 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

I am sure we don't mind being called aliens as long as we are on the right track.
lets hope for the best and may we get all the support needed to make necessary changes.

Re: Cameras inside Mpsque

 by Muhammad ¦  09 Dec 2011, 20:10 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

yes sister this indeed is really happening.. and it is a very serious issue. there has been no response from the media room so far ( maybe due to the overload of muharram :confused: ) We need a response from them so that we can take find solutions but the situation right now is totally unacceptable ...

Re: Prayers at mosque

 by Muhammad ¦  06 Dec 2011, 21:40 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Prayers at mosque ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 1591

I agree that an askari is needed at the gate.. But sinetimes I see upto 4 askaris sitting outside at the gate. I am sure the person responsible for the cleaning can take a praying break.. The question is that are they restricted or is it their choice? I guess only they can answer that..

Re: Cameras inside Mpsque

 by Muhammad ¦  06 Dec 2011, 21:34 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

Have already sent it to them yesterday.. Let's see what they have to say and what options are feasible, both short and long term..

Re: Cameras inside Mpsque

 by Muhammad ¦  05 Dec 2011, 16:29 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

Let me send media room a link to this discussion..

Re: Prayers at mosque

 by Muhammad ¦  03 Dec 2011, 09:43 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Prayers at mosque ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 1591

the other thing i was wondering...does this happen in other places other than dar-es-salaam? for those who are outside dar, please fill us in..

Re: Cameras inside Mpsque

 by Muhammad ¦  02 Dec 2011, 16:39 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

For some reason I am inclined to imz's idea. And Alhamdullilah we have well trained female volunteers who can 'run the show' Muhammad Mahdi has a great point as well.. We also need to question more about the gents camera in the ladies side. If many people dislike it then I am sure it can be dealt wi...

Re: Prayers at mosque

 by Muhammad ¦  02 Dec 2011, 16:33 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Prayers at mosque ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 1591

Thanks imz.. But that was in no way gheebah :) I was just trying to think out loud and see if I am missing an angle which someone can show me.. But more than anything it pains me to see this situation.
Good suggestion.. Something to work on..

Re: Cameras inside Mpsque

 by Muhammad ¦  01 Dec 2011, 20:12 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

Alhamdullilah, good response. Lets hear what few other brothers and sisters have to say then we can write a pledge... God bless you

Re: Cameras inside Mpsque

 by Muhammad ¦  30 Nov 2011, 16:20 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

well from my point of view living on that hope might be hanging on a very thing string..
and again the question comes: is/are the camera/s rotating ones or stationary? for the purpose that you mentioned a stationary should be sufficient..right?

Re: Prayers at mosque

 by Muhammad ¦  26 Nov 2011, 23:50 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Prayers at mosque ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 1591

yup... referring to the gents side...

Re: Cameras inside Mpsque

 by Muhammad ¦  26 Nov 2011, 23:49 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

well yeah thats the scary part... something really has to be done..
the primary question is WHY is there a need to keep cameras inside the ladies mosque????

Prayers at mosque

 by Muhammad ¦  21 Nov 2011, 22:03 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Prayers at mosque ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 1591

In His name, The Most High. One thing that has always bothered me is that the people who work inside mosque do not come and pray jamaat namaaz - especially the people who clean and are responsible for mosque environment and also the guards. In sunni mosques, no matter what, the caretaker will always...

Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah

 by Muhammad ¦  21 Nov 2011, 22:00 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Media Room KSIJ & Cameras inside ladies Mosque / Imambargah ¦  Replies: 217 ¦  Views: 40474

IMPORTANT UPDATE A meeting between concerned members of Ask and the Office Bearers of Jamaat took place on Friday 24 Aug 2012. Click here to read the update Update: Ramadhan 2012 - 1 year after this discussion was started. A member has started a petition addressing the KSI Jamaat to take action on ...

Truly it is sad... Who was responsible? Poverty. Its a whole system that allows this... SUMATRA (Surface and Marine Authorities) is not allowed to function in Zanzibar as they say it is not a state matter. There is no one to monitor what goes around. 2 days ago i climbed a hiace of 16 passengers fro...

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